
I had a 2001 Jetta TDi that the previous owner installed a GreaseCar kit into. I had bought the car in 2009. Getting used oil was not always a reliable source of fuel. I didn’t hook up with a restaurant for their waste oil. I did watch online ads for people looking to dispose of their used oil and successfully ran

Beep Beep.

It will be like trying to attend a concert or show.

Anyone could live out their James Bond evil villain fantasy lifestyle in this beast. 

Three words, “Dallas Car Sharks.”

A GT with 4 lug wheels? I’m guessing something is not completely as indicated.

Wherever that photo was snapped, it isn’t far from my house.  I have not heard anything about this case.  The desert here is huge and very sparsely populated.  I would guess that the former mob bosses of the Las Vegas heyday had a few choice spots for making disappearances happen, too.

And thank you for your words. It IS wizardry when engineers use their knowledge to protect the people using the product.

$19.5 and it has a title issue that the seller is willing to resolve “for an additional fee?”

My wife bought her 1998 CR-V in 2001. At some point, maybe in 2007? she was driving along and heard a loud crash but saw no vehicular carnage. She got home and realized that the OEM spare tire had exploded while on the tailgate.

Mine was a 4 speed automatic. After the first replacement, it never shifted correctly even after the second and unmentioned third attempt (under warranty) to replace the transmission. The first was done at a recommended transmission shop, the second was done by a VW specialist. It really soured me on any VW product in

Until 2009, my biggest car buying regret was a “new” ‘87 Taurus GL with 11k or 18k on the odometer. Why is new in quotes? At the time, Ford held a large stake in Hertz and the car was never titled prior to our purchase but it had those glorious rental car miles and a full factory warranty. The 2.5 and automatic

I choose the Volvo. I like the suggestion of NH Me on the rear window.

I had a 2001 Jetta TDi that did this a number of times. It would turn off if I unlocked the door using the keyfob. That Gremlin riddled Jetta is no longer in my fleet, thankfully.

I say any current car that is heavily reliant on relays, computers and electronics. We have a 2013 Grand Caravan that it pretty good at doing what we need it to do but the thing is almost completely computer controlled. Hit the horn button, it takes a few blinks for the horn to beep. Unlock the doors with the key fob,

I agree. Our RV was 17 years old when we bought it in 2006. It wasn’t perfect but it did what I expected it to do. Hasn’t been a maintenance pig and the only real problems are from my lack of using it.

I didn’t get through all FIVE HUNDRED THIRTEEN responses to see if this was mentioned.

Roundabouts are great when people understand the concept of yield. If the populace has never experienced a roundabout, it’s a nightmare.

Oh, I forgot to mention the ingenious roundabouts. If I’m going to be in a crash in my town, it’ll be at one of the two roundabouts the state installed. The yokels in my town don’t understand what YIELD means.

Yep. Roundabouts and yield signs.