
The cards are handed out by the accounting firm. They’re stupid and have two copies so they can have one on each side of the stage instead of coordinating having a single one on the side of the stage the presenter will come in from. The Best Actress copy that wasn’t used earlier was handed to the presenters of Best

They may not be but the many grown men throughout the area stealing balls from children are ballhawks obnoxiously calling out to the players to give them even more balls.

The did a contest on 99.9 The Fan in Raleigh yesterday. The question was “Name 5 sports personalities working for Fox Sports One”. They had two contestants and neither one could give a single name.

I’d pay to see that. They can do it as him fighting his evil twin that we literally can’t see.

Ryback’s push was a forced one. Punk had no opponent due to Cena’s injury so they threw him into it when he wasn’t that caliber of wrestler. He’s not all that great in the ring and he isn’t all that great at promos. He’s a decent mid-card at best. The big reactions from the crowd were more a result of having a fun

Who cares what he could hear? He needs to man up. If he wants to celebrate after every play like he won the Super Bowl then he needs to go out and win the damn Super Bowl. He didn’t win so of course the other team is going to talk big. He can bring the heat when he’s doing well but can’t take the fire that results

The whiny jamoke in the video is also one of the idiots that was involved in the Draw Mohammed contest in Texas.

Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica.