
Actually deleting an account is hilarious.

I definitely have been practicing this since I became a teacher in order to stay sane.

“Autopilot is intended for use only with a fully attentive driver,” a Tesla spokesperson said.

I won’t work with him, either.

So, if this was your design, imma admit that I stole it and tried to give it to some friends that went to the march in KC (I couldn’t make it, and they already picked a ‘better’ theme.)

You can’t take the sky from me.

*whispering* it’s not actually even a funny dick joke

I thought his button just summoned Diet Coke?

Trump is like Ellis, the idiot “deal guy” in Die Hard who thinks he can negotiate with Hans Gruber and ends up with a bullet in his head.

LW, from someone who’s been there: He will never change. It will only get worse. Leave now before he seriously hurts you. Go to thehotline.org for resources and help if you need to—and/or to your friend who’s been telling you to leave him! (There’s [almost] always a friend who sees it before you do.)

This is such a thorny issue. The only meaningful way to address it would be to somehow ensure girls reach their preteen/teen years with an intact sense of self and enough self-esteem so that they wouldn’t feel the need to look for or have a boyfriend until they actually met a worthy, respectful candidate, probably

What the fuck is a blockchain?

He might have decided to make this one a personal visit.

The $5,000 package INCLUDES the tint. And also:

If they can figure out where you live, they can soon figure out when you are and are not home and determine when to break in and rob your house.

I love mayo a lot. I should have included it in my list.

Yes, it is so PC to say you want more options in your VR porn... The audacity.