
You can't knock Apple's dock connector TOO hard - it's not like Sony's iLink connector that has no additional function over firewire cable except for triple the price tag. Apple's dock connector is meant to provide several different connections at the same time, so the device only needs one connector on it instead

Zeus isn't really a virus is it? I mean it doesn't spread without user interaction? I thought it was a multifunction rootkit installed by a trojan usually in a drive-by-download / browser exploit?

I'm amazed it's taken this long for someone to make something that does this. It's a monumentally better tool for assessing radiation hazards. Like going from sense of smell to sense of sight.

Considering the exponential growth in drone operations by the US recently, this really isn't too surprising, just the law of averages catching up with you. These aren't cheap toys, but they're cheaper than F-18's, and there's a LOT less political nightmare over a captured drone than a captured PILOT. I'm sure

Well the tinfoil hat in me asks the question being begged... if the FBI can tell the US people to go screw themselves when they issue a freedom of information request for straight answers, (oh the arrogance!) why on earth would we believe that Carrier IQ isn't under sealed government orders requiring them to DENY

I do warranty computer repairwork for a living, and I see all sorts of "external factors" that mess with computers. I have yet to run into a computer that has had problems related to pet fur.

We have these things popping up like dandelions all over the place in Iowa. When traveling, it's quite a sight to see rows and rows of them off to the sides in certain areas. We're always seeing large trucks hauling masts up and down the highways to install new ones. Renting out a little square of your field for a

pulsars aren't the only fast spinning stars out there, but they're some of the most dense. High density allows for faster spinning without shedding mass due to centrifugal force. The high density can create a powerful magnetic field, and the poles of that magnet spinning around is what gets you a pulsar. Some of

It doesn't require a lot of observation to see that those brick walls they are shooting at aren't mortared properly. even after the shot has gone through, stacks of bricks fall down as a group and just scatter when they finally hit the ground, they are not attached. I'd call that enough of a "minor detail" to call

there's a frame where things *appear* to go bad, where the scan speed of the video makes the body of the helicopter look severely warped. Back up 7 frames and step through. watch the main rotor disc. it encounters a *severe* wobble about 2 frames before the entire body shakes. That's the starting event. I'd

so, did you tube get a takedown notice from National because it made them look bad?

>>Sure, except if that's your gig, get a used netbook, put linux on it, and spoof your mac address to something like 01:23:45:67:89:ab or 11:11:11:11:11:11 or something like that.

would be nice to see a picture similar to this one, but with an orca, for size comparison

This bouncing around actually has a method to the madness, and NO it's not random button smashing looking for results. Read the instructions from bottom up, 16 to 1, there are ~4 distinct things being accomplished. This is a "reverse hack" of sorts. Figuring out a way to get to the end, "if only we could get to

it HAS its drawbacks. (1) dirt is heavy, limiting max building height, (2) tree roots are an incredibly powerful force of destruction to concrete, (3) large increase to wind load on even moderately high buildings, (4) lower available space for office/dwelling.

>>Surely its te military, using the excuse of them having their own satellites to avoid blame or something

I don't see this on ebay or amazon, I assume it's not hit the streets just yet - I could use a portable basic camera/audio recorder to toss in my belt pouch with my ipod etc. Does this thing do sound? Is it available for sale anywhere right now, or where will it be showing up?

Get out your old DVD of T1 and look carefully at the "terminator vision" shots. Freeze frame them and look close... that is an Apple ][, listing some assembly source code to the DOS 3.2 volume table of contents (VTOC) structure, being displayed by the Merlin Pro assembler. Ya, I'm quite a geek to notice that, but

Does make one wonder what the after-effects of this method of air-lift were... surely the animal's joints weren't accustomed to the weight of the animal in the /other/ direction, pulling on the joints instead of compressing them. Must have been a knuckle-cracker for sure.

>>Any adult who hasnt gotten chicken pox may be left with catching it through transporting this "mail". And adults get chicken pox bad, to the point where it can be lethal.