
If I had to die, being blown to death would pretty much be at the top of my list.

On an unrelated note, you can now put historic plates on these in Maryland which I think is hysterical.

I don’t want skilled drivers, as that is why I watch F1, both new and old, and squealing when you mash it is exactly what you and I would do with 500plus HP... I wouldn’t know what to do, and expecting me to talk much more then WOOOOOOO is expecting too much.

YouTube exotic car bros are the absolute worst. I’m so sick of seeing idiots prance around with their Lamborghinis, talk about wrapping them, explaining their bullshit income sources, and making stupid videos when they “break” (aka when their battery dies from them doing something stupid). The NCS generic electronic

Regular Car Reviews is an acquired taste, but I’ve acquired it.

THEY MADE THE SC430. is doug blind?

I love that he takes it to an actual supercar meet. That is some Grade-A trolling

No way! He told me to buy an LFA, you know who makes that? Lexus! They make luxury cars!

He doesn’t really disclose what his real day job is, which leads anyone with a real job to think that he is really spending his parents’ money and does not want to admit it.

he told me to buy an audi R8... AN AUDI! did you know they make the all road?

Stef, I’ve been waiting for you guys to call out these vloggers for a while

I have several of the more douchey channels blocked: StreetSpeed717, Vehicle Virgins, Shmee150, JR Garage, etc. but they still keep popping up in my recommended videos with their clickbaity titles. Drives me insane. I won’t even start with that “Lord” Aleem twat.

Don’t matter how awful they all may be, nothing is as obnoxious as Shmee150.

Good car.

How do you double the value of a lada?

I see he was Putin gas in a Lada....

Well just how in the hell did Ned’s daughter end up named Stanza Stark then? Huh? Explain that!

I think Shireen Baratheon had a Ferrari

Sansa Stark is a testarossa.