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    I get the feeling that you took the joke to heart and felt vindicated by the slap. You do realize he said he did not know about her condition. Even Will Smith was laughing till he saw the look on his Gaslighter’s face. 

    “Rick Berman allergic to serialized storytelling” This was the exact episode that turned me off to Trek. Everything Bryan Fuller said is what I thought was going to happen from then on. I was actually excited for Trek. I thought wow maybe some will make it home. Maybe some will just integrate with the cultures they

    Even though I am a righty I can use a mouse with either hand. Normally I prefer my left. I so wanted an original Trackman Marble lefty. My perfect setup would be to have one on both sides of my keyboard. I understand it costs money to re-tool everything for a mirror image of your product but it would still be nice to

    If you look at the history of Nickelodeon and LoK you find out that Nick only gave them the green light for the first season. Hence the bow-tie ending. Then Nick gave them three more seasons. But the last half of the 4th season Nick cut their budget. The creators did their best to finish the series or lower the

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    Multiple colors

    I know money = Free speech. (According to the scotus) Look at how money stifles speech in many ways. But Gawker should not have broken the law in the case of Hulk hogan.

    Off topic but that is the same argument for Healthcare.

    I remember playing the original button pounding machine with a friend who totally owned me. I did not realize it was pressure sensitive at the time. So I was kicking and punching with very light hits. Later on when I played with the buttons I fared much better. Meaning I got to kick his butt. Also I sank about $10 in

    And in the original Black & White. The detail in the ink was amazing. I later saw it on the shelf in color and it looked a mess since it was not drawn for color.

    So far anyone using the glitch ended up being 1 less effective player in the game. My team would just move the ball around and score goals. Yes you get killed once in a while but you move so fast around the field it’s easy to avoid most of the other characters. Also it was fun watching random characters try to move

    I would not say that. I did have a chance to listen to his radio show long ago after B5. He was a conservative. But not Fox news type of conservative. A side note.

    If you are recording music rent the better instrument if it sounds better for the recording. If you are making money with music then it can be a tax write off. If this is just a hobby then buy what you can afford. I would love a $1,500 Kessler Alpine board but I enjoy my previous season $500 Lib Tech All mountain

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    Something else to keep you awake at night.

    After working at an ISP during the PS3 days. You understand what they mean by strict.

    I found Waldo....I am using term Waldo like the word Bingo.

    It’s too Slooooooooooooooow it’s going to end up like HBO’s Carnival. Loose everyone before the second season and then try to show what you can do but no one was watching and get canceled. If they make it to season 2.

    The collar inhibits feeling full natural emotions. Nothing is allowed to come to fruition. You can be angry but not rage. You can become happy but not euphoric. A little like this movie

    She is no more fake than Milli Vanilli, and they won a Grammy.