Bitter Old Dude

Yeah, and there is zero possibility of them ever being installed. Ever. No, not ever. Because they can’t put more of those chargers in place as demand increases.

Audi CEO Markus Duesmann believes the average range will stabilize or diminish, rather than grow. And he is correct.

Again, you are being rather presumptuous. If no one really cared about the heritage of the name, Ford would have never used it with the new vehicle. And really, in a way, it tried to not do so by using the Mach E name, riffing on the Mach 1. Which I doubt as many know about as they know about the Mustang II. Mustang =

You present a good take on the subject, but I do have some minor differences. GM lost their way, but for different reasons than Toyota might. GM thought they could sell whatever they built. They also thought that what they built was the greatest. They also thought that cutting costs by cheapening product would never

Well, no offense taken by me, but I sure as shit hope there is irony in your user name, as is in mine. Oh, and I guess (based on other comments on this page) that there must be a shit ton of curmudgeonly whiners who agree with my take on this. YMMV, and that’s fine.

Perhaps you are right, but I don’t think anything is a muscle car but what was the original version of a muscle car. A midsized car with the largest engine from that manufacturer. Not a pony car, not a full sized model with the biggest engine, but a car that was only made possible once DeLorean got Pontiac to allow

1st Gear: Ford Marketing Continues To Go In On EVs

Yeah, it really kind of sucks. I get the whole nostalgia thing, I get the heritage thing, but what they forget is that the models they are copying the name of were themselves groundbreaking, and that is what made them famous. And desirable.

I have to say, people really believe that expensive things are not purchased “sight unseen”. Actually, it happens all the time, and with very, very expensive items.

Alas, there will likely never be another recipe that is named for a person, place, or thing. No, what we get is just descriptors of all the ingredients, with perhaps the method of cooking. We don’t get a new dish named after anyone, we get the menu writeup.

Visualize how you want, but I approve of the new configuration of lighting. The DRLs are above, and lower in output. The actual low beam/high beam lamps are lower, where they don’t shine directly in the eyes of oncoming traffic, or blind you when they pull up behind you at a stoplight. I wish that was the case on all

I know, I am being petty and harsh. But damn, this is a situation where it seems just too ludicrous to believe.

Agreed, and my point is that absent prohibition or any other changes save that most manufacturers are voluntarily converting to EV production by 2035, by 2050, there won’t be many ICE cars still in use. How many flip phones are still in use? A few, yes, but the industry changed to smartphones. The change did not make

No, not really. The whole issue with collector cars is that the muscle cars you mention are really valuable because the majority of them were bought, used hard, and then put up wet, as it were, and as such, there were not many left when they became of interest again. In 1980, that hemi Cuda was just a shitbag car some

Even at 80 mph, even at 18 hours per week, a state employee job in California does not seem to warrant living in Arizona and commuting that far. I mean, FFS, at what point does he realize how stupid that is? Not much quality time spent in the Arizona homestead, and almost 4 hours each day driving to and from work,

You are worried about a situation that has not even been discussed. Much like people thinking the government is plotting to take away something they love, it’s a misguided fear. The government is not mandating ICE cars be removed from the road. Hell, in America, they aren’t even talking about mandating EV production.

Yes, it does seem that the AV and EV companies seem to focus on where they live, which seems to be mainly San Francisco (Silicon Valley) for the tech and New York (for the sweet Wall Street money). And there is an odd East Coast/West Coast divide, with the middle of the country being ignored completely. The divide

1) Let’s see if we are considering the same math for your drive. If you drive about 75 miles a day, figure that a current PHEV does about 25 miles on electric, with the rest on gas. That would be a 33% reduction in gas use daily, not 80% EV only, unless you are stopping and recharging a lot. That’s not even figuring

He says the quality of life is a worthwhile tradeoff for the drive. Yet he spends his only time at home eating and sleeping there, as he spends about 14 of the 24 hours in each workday not there. He may as well call it his vacation home, as he spends so little time there. That also means that his precious time at home

I don’t see those PHEVs getting real world economy levels quite what you assume in saying it would cut your gas usage by 60-80%. The data I have seen shows that they may get about 20 miles of range, then any other gas usage ends up being around 25-50% less than a non-hybrid. That 50% is for a Prius Prime, versus a