Bitter Old Dude

No offense, but a current Dodge Charger is not a really comfortable car like the Lincoln pictured. And the old Charger was not one, either.

Well, once you get that political unrest stuff settled, then just have your new parliament, congress, or tyrant du jour pick to go with EU or North American standards and welcome to the developed economy world. /S

No, that’s their profit projection for 2021.


There has been rampant voter fraud - all done by Republicans.

While I understand your point, I then have to point out that it is no more than the question of why we don’t just have one global standard, or if not, why not build to the strongest standard as those cars and trucks built will meet any lower standards? This is why companies sell older product in emerging markets, as

I agree with you, and it does raise an interesting point.

1st Gear: Mary Barra Is Shapeshifting

Rather caustic, aren’t you. I said hybrids are allowed, and understand that it is limited to certain hybrids. It does certainly state that full ICE is not allowed, but there are exceptions allowing hybrids in some fashion.

I guess we differ in our views too much to reach any consensus. And that is fine. Either of us could be right, and both of us wrong.

I don’t agree that it was saying capitalism was responsible for keeping us in the past. Quite to the contrary, capitalism, moreso marketing, moves us forward, rather than keeping us in the past. What I was pointing out is that a lot of people wring their hands, and say things can’t be done, without ever making the

Congratulations on your first Pulitzer Prize. 

I don’t know that would be the case.

I have to disagree, as the infrastructure is not mandated, nor funded by, government, other than the roads themselves. Do you think the government mandated electrical outlets, or which plugs, or was that a byproduct of the companies that built and sold us those products? If you are old enough to remember 20 years ago,

Why do you think that I assume the current infrastructure is able to handle the needed uptick required when we switch? You missed my whole point.

This, a million times over.

1st Gear: Just Ban Gas-Burning Cars Already

Yeah, I would suspect that this one, and others similar to it, are about the only non-controversial EVs on the market. And oddly, any ICE powered ones for kids are treated as suspect. Just the opposite of what we have for adults. 

Tesla is a tech company, so their best bet is to find a manufacturing company to complement what they are not as good at. You don’t buy the person making the same product, you buy the guy making things better than you can. Use Tesla as the provider of tech, and the bought company to build it as perfectly as possible.

Well, the fact that Musk has a net worth of 132 billion as of this moment, and there are literally millions of stans who would do whatever he asks of them as they are so loyal to his brand, that it would not be too hard to make it happen.