Bitter Old Dude

1st Gear: Why, God?

The Imperial wore it best. But when the fashion is one that favors no one, it really doesn’t matter who ‘wins’. For whatever reason, probably too much cocaine use, the 1980s saw the disco era sensibilities combine with the yuppy origins of the Reagan era economic revival. And that led to some very poor choices in

Let no one ever, ever, have any sympathy for this dickhead. He wants to be judged by his character? Well, Joshiepoo, your character posted on public social media a Nazi swastika you drew yourself on a toaster strudel. That shows your character, as much as you either petting a puppy or slapping a homeless dude. Your

The disease has a name: assholism. It affects many, and it comes in various forms. The worst form, Chronic Assholism, seems to affect Karens like Mehredeathtothisstupidbitch more often than not. 

The issue is that if that ‘whistleblower’ saw any of that going down, how the hell did they not pull out their phone and record away? Seriously, how could they not, as every damned thing seems to get recorded, save this and Bigfoot or alien sightings.

Correct, and is just one more reason to change when it comes to why we still need to have dealerships mandated. The “mandated” is the part that gets most people. I would assume that dealers would still be around if they lost their monopoly on providing new cars to the public, just like there are still brick and mortar

Well, such a thing should be available to any car, not just EVs. Imagine that the OEMs give the same ability for warranty work to any authorized shop, and prices their replacement parts in line with what they charge dealers, and what do you think would happen? The warranty work is what dealers love. They make a couple

A case of “you’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t”.

As noted below, the USA will actually look better and save face with the rest of the world (at least the countries not ruled by autocrats, despots, and dictators) by holding him accountable to the letter of the law. There will be a reckoning, and it will not be pretty for him, his family, and his cronies. 

You do realize that there is a very good chance that Ms. Lindsey has done just what you fear visualizing. Or at least something along those lines.

Neutral: Do We Welcome Our Robot Overlords?

The worst will be from tradespeople themselves who don’t want their kids to go through what they did.

Actually, it makes perfect sense. The more it caters to the middle, as mediocre implies, the more likely it appeals to the masses.

I agree that China will see Jeep and DS only post-merger, with a few Maseratis brought in for those 7 people who want one there.

That’s good to know. I, and probably a lot of US folks, assumed it covered those as well.

The people that were most affected were those in service industries, like hospitality, restauants, and retail. And those jobs are not really likely to come back, either in the near term or possibly ever. And while some of those folks were doing well, most of them were in the lower wage bracket, and they are not the

That is it in a nutshell. There will be gridlock, with a Senate basically not doing anything that the House and President want to happen, and the courts backing the Senate.

Pay attention class, the class clown just told you a lie. He said “you are paid according to how valuable your skills are” when that is total bullshit. Since when has middle or upper management got or given a promotion
(or job) based on their superior skills, other than being friends with their bosses, or more likely

But that is where you are wrong. And those all seem to describe Trump business models, if I am reading them as printed. 

That’s why we are fucked. And they are using Vicks Vaporub and sand as a lubricant.