Bitter Old Dude

So you also give a pass to all the good German people of the 1930s who really didn’t like Hitler but they liked how the National Socialist party was doing things to help the economy, and to keep the peace within the turbulent country.

You do understand that the bottom 50% (or 4%, or whatever) includes those who made $0 in income? And the top includes the billionaires who personally have more money than a good percentage of the total population put together?

I have to disagree. Nobody is jealous of real success, as we prove regularly via sports. We give a pass to those with talent who use their talents and skills to their best. What people are focusing on is those who are financially successful, based on both their ideas and hard work, but also the ideas and hard work of

No, it should not have been Jimmy, or Hummer.

Just look at how many people go to Best Buy, look at the TVs or computers, or what have you, touch them, look at the one on display, take a couple of pictures of the item on their phone, and then go home and order that product online.

The fact right now, is that people want to arrive at a dealership and leave in a new car the same day. 

Hey now, stop being rational and logical in this discussion. This is America, dammit, and we can only have one or the other, not both. Never both. There’s only one possibility and that is the only correct way things can be done.\s (if there was any doubt)

Perhaps the best option is something like I did: buy an older car with a manual for a fun car, and then drive the hell out of it when you want to.

You posit some good arguments, but even though I want to agree with your points, I can’t totally do that. You, like anyone who really seems to want a manual, kind of fetishizes them, as if that is the secret to enjoying driving a car. The longer I drive manuals, the more I disagree.

Neutral: What Will Be Your Sign That We’re In The Clear For COVID?

It is a very real issue that gender bias made a lot of people not vote for Clinton in 2016.

What is sad about this is that Mr. Smith is a genius in business. And I know because I worked for one of his companies.

I understand your point, but don’t think for a second that the person occupying the position of POTUS makes any difference in how the USA will treat fracking. As long as we use oil, we will have need to this resource. Our easily accessed sources locally are no longer readily available, so we either do fracking or

Bullshit. Your ancestors moved from Europe to avoid dictators much like our current President wishes to be. If we still had the America your ancestors immigrated to, they would still be living in a shithole on the east coast, working in some shitty factory for pennies a week, and they would be persecuted by the people

I know what I have. No lowballers, no tire kickers. 

No, I think you are confusing your version of reality with the rest of the real world’s view. And really, unless you or your parents or partner are billionaires, I don’t see how you believe what you believe. And if you do not see that corporate money is what is paying for any and all elections, and thus who runs and

Eh, it’s another drift car. Meh.

I hope that all you wrote was sarcasm, as it is so far off reality that it is almost comical.

Perhaps you need to re-read the article on how the Trump taxes are being considered possible fraud. They changed valuations of holdings to suit their needs, inflating their worth when applying for loans, yet deflating their value when being considered for taxation. They paid the kids, already full time employees of

As usual, a huge disconnect on logic tends to be happening.