Bitter Old Dude

You are not considering that the OEMs would just be reallocating funds from the dealers to their own network, so it would be a wash, cash-wise. Money not spent in one spot can be moved and spent in another, and if spent wiser, without margin going towards a dealership model, it would probably be net positive for the

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. People will die on that hill, rather than admit they were wrong all along. And that is what is so sad.

Disingenuous in couching your answers as “bipartisan” or such and obviously showing a bias against protesters. Peaceful protesters, by and large. Not riots, not like the right wing media likes to call them. The general consensus is that while a few cases of COVID-19 may have been spread by protesters, the actual

It’s the same argument of Apple versus Android.

Not saying you are wrong in some points, but 15 years ago, who wanted an EV for daily use or possibly driving across the country in? Nobody, as nobody considered it an option. And the Model S came out 8 years ago, in 2012. So to answer your question, “Was anyone else doing to the same scale before Tesla?”, the answer

Disingenuous at best, good sir.

My reading comprehension skills are fine, but perhaps your communication skills are a bit lacking.

Well, really, the whole Trick or Treat concept has fizzled out in most places. There were not enough people sending their kids out alone in the neighborhood, as was the norm when I was young, and now parents helicopter kids to their “approved” areas, usually shuttling them around in vehicles. It kind of defeats the

She got away with it because people believe lies over truth, every damned time.

“I have heard, anecdotally, from friends in New York City and elsewhere that they are considering buying a car (if they don’t already have one) in these times”

No, saying they “changed the world” is putting on blinders, or having been blinded by the cult of Musk.

No, Telsa changed the VC world, to one where technology changed to manufacturing. And still gets labelled as technology, because their manufacturing prowess is lacking.

I enjoy debating things with you, you always have excellent points, and you state them well. Thanks.

Well, perhaps, but your choice of what sound you like is very subjective. And the feeling of torque is the same regardless of what creates the force.

I get it, and you have a point. But I am getting just as tired of people longing for ICE engines just because they like the sound. Buy a recording, if that’s the main selling point.... You may have other points about the ICE engine’s abilities, but most EVs can outperform a similar ICE. Most just prefer the roar of

One’s opinion of one’s ability to drive fast is almost invariably incorrect. The line between “wow, look at how good I am” and “whoops” is minuscule at best. And “whoops” at speeds above 70 usually do not end well for the driver or anyone around them.

Really, ask the folks who used to work at Holden how it all worked out for the global design teams. You can still ask the folks at Daewoo (GM Korea) but not most of the factory workers, as they have basically been told to pound sand and their jobs are only tenuous at best.

Well, it is a Lambo, so it will invariably catch fire and help start said burn....

Protesters, no, Rioters and looters, yes. A bill for restitution, plus a jail term for rioting and looting. As is legally codified in our current legal system. A protest is legal, if you don’t realize the difference, you need to go back and retake that high school civics course. 

I own 2 cars, both with manual transmissions. I daily drive a stick. I love them. And really, who fucking cares if a true sports car is only equipped with an automatic? I will tell you: idiots who think they are better drivers than they really are, and don’t understand that a well engineered car with an automatic can