Bitter Old Dude

And oddly, Alanis got it mostly all wrong. For the majority of the scenarios in her song, it isn’t ironic, it’s coincidental.

Are we sure that it isn’t really Soylent Green? I mean, the Polynesians came up with Long Pig recipes some time ago....

The amazing thing about the concept of pulling yourself up by your bootstraps is predicated on you having boots to begin with. Most people in lower income brackets, especially kids of poor folks, never have had a pair of boots, figuratively or literally, ever.

I wholeheartedly disagree.

This is brilliant!

Bauxite ore, which is what aluminum is produced from, as it does not exist naturally, comes from a lot of places. Including Jamaica, Guyana, and Brazil, closer to us than either China or Australia. We even have some reserves here, in the south, but due to strip mining being the main source of digging it up, we like

You do realize that the USA built a lot of hydro power out west, particularly in the Washington State Grand Coulee dam? That dam and power plant is why the Aluminum smelting is done out there by Alcoa. Canada is not in the lead because of the “free” hydro power in Quebec. And with Canada being a bit kinder to their

Such a valid point. They are really working the pricing on breakfasts as they were the leading sales for stores, but they ended up jacking up the price to a point where it does not make sense any longer.

That’s what the problem with them now is! Thanks!

Yes, autopilot may do more than I mention, but the FAA and others still require the pilot to be in control of the aircraft even when the system is activated. You don’t get to set the controls, put your laptop on, take a call on your cell, and compose a text or two while it is on. People can and do just that with the

5th Gear: AAA Points Out The Obvious

Well, if the industry has been gutted, that gives it a chance to start fresh. With totally new paradigms for service, for pricing, for how the whole experience makes sense. Humans are funny, we seek out others, we gather in groups, and we find new ways to persevere in hard times. Think about how many other industries

I am sorry that you are having to deal with the problem, my sincere best wishes. It’s a common issue. The adult kids have to come in and clean up the situation left by their aging parents. There is no good solution, and there is no telling the parent what should be done, as they are emotionally invested in the car in

That is the reality of any “collectable” market. There comes a point where there are so few still interested in collecting something, and those items already collected lose most, if not all value to the market.

And to think people thought Kanye West manic episodes were entertaining, harmless fun....

Have you considered calling it the Von Dookiebird Shit-toter?

So true, and really a damning indictment of the whole investment community at large.

Cull the herd.

Is this all just to ensure that America never gets another shot at a smaller, reasonably sized pickup like we had in the 1960s to the 1990s? It certainly seems so.

No, the irony is that those folks in the boats illegally crossing into Canada are most likely the same ones who supported building a wall to ensure that the folks from Mexico can’t do the same damned thing. I hope every one of the bastards sneaking into Canada are caught, detained, and have their kids with them thrown