Bitter Old Dude

Yeah, gonna have to agree with most on here. Video content is basically useless, and certainly not wanted, on a site that is mainly accessed at work.

Actually, when you present it that way, yes.

Had you read the article, he is living in North Carolina, Wilmington area, and there are a lot of easily accessible non-HOA places in his area. And there are definitely storage/warehouses there, too.

Sad to know on both counts.

Well, as sad as it is for the dairy industry, so it goes. May I suggest that the local farmers do a couple of things, as dairy consumption is down, and decreasing year over year?

Now, now, we can’t hold everyone complicit in this scam accountable, can we? Those pillar of the community bankers who got a nice commission on those loans would never knowingly grant a government backed loan to some dude claiming wildly inflated revenues, would they? Why would we besmirch their sterling reputations

Shhh, the adults are trying to have a conversation. If we want to speak with you, we will let you know.

That is so true, and I cannot believe that more people do not understand the fact.

I am sure that the Japanese criminal justice system may indeed be inclined to prosecute foreigners over nationals, but then, that is true in most countries. And it is why foreigners doing business abroad should be more wary of how their actions may run afoul of the rules in their hosts country.

Mercedes is not killing off its status symbols. They are just making ones that sell to their consumers.

Don’t forget Daytona Bike Week, or any of the myriad gatherings of the HD faithful. It may be anecdotal, it may be just observations, but perception is reality. HD and their core demographic are exactly who you mention.

It only sucks because Ellen’s brand is that she is a nice person. Since, in fact, that is nothing but a lie, it means that most of what she stands for is also suspect of being the product of lies.

Oh, FFS, just Baker Act her. Even if she isn’t batshit crazy, 24 hours in a psych ward will give her time to reflect and have the bonus effect of having her out of our misery.

I’m afraid you’re right. Thanks for pointing out what I suspected. 

Who said supply of electricity would go down? If I understand how the world works, supply of electricity, especially via renewables, is going up, and faster than demand. That is why renewables are now as cheap or cheaper than other forms of generated electricity. Once the fixed costs are amortized, the cost to produce

Not necessarily. A commodity like electricity will probably come down in price as we decrease our use of oil and other fossil fuels. Don’t think for a second that a large energy company (think Exxon or Shell) would not pivot to other forms of fuel production, including natural gas and renewables, if their primary

The simple fact is that some major disruption in the world at large, like a big war, a worldwide depression/recession, or such, does indeed drive a change in habits of consumers. It’s actually easier to start to get people to adopt a new technology after upheaval in their lives, as they are already in flux mentally

Neutral: Do You Want A Renault Zoe?

I’m not looking to get rich and have four homes. I’m just looking for a simple middle class existence and a week or two of vacation every year and a home that’s not falling apart. That’s what I want for my staff, too.”

You go, Fish Bulb.