Consider one simple fact. Trader Joe’s, everyone’s darling, is owned by Aldi.
Consider one simple fact. Trader Joe’s, everyone’s darling, is owned by Aldi.
It’s not just retail, they are the canary in the coal mine, and their demise signals a ton of other collapses.
The most logical thing right now for the auto industry is to just stop. Cold.
Wow, the word “comrade” and you went all 1950s Anti-Communist. How quaint, and how very Joe McCarthy of you.
So, corporate welfare is fine, but welfare for people is wasteful government in action, amirite?
Can we make this show relevant?
I prefer the old fashion pitchfork, and torches, but that’s just my preference. Old school is always the best....
Jur, do you understand how a stimulus is supposed to work? And by that, I mean one that truly helps the economy, not just Wall Street stock prices? Giving money directly to consumers works, as they spend their money (usually almost immediately), and that money then flows up to companies as people buy goods and…
Ford will be fine, at least the Ford family.
Congratulations, we have a winner!
Yes, the dealer model is broken. But the broken part is easily fixed.
Just to be clear, I am going to spend the $1200 check when it hits my bank account. But I am lucky, I am able to continue work from home, live by myself, and have a bit of money set aside for emergencies, and this is just that time.
I am assuming that the sewage system is similar to what they use on cruise ships, as those are similar to aircraft toilets in how they flush. If someone puts anything fairly solid into the system, like wipes, tampons, or the like, they tend to clog. And one clog affects a huge number of these toilets. While they do…
At the end of the day, we are both just selling our opinions on this, and either or both of us may be right.
As someone who is in sales myself, I can tell you that you are only seeing it as you wish to see it. You sell cars via the current model, thus you think it the only and correct way. I strongly disagree.
What did we learn from the 2008 meltdown and bailout? TARP saved banks billions, financial folks stayed rich, and a shitload of the rest of us lost a ton of money.
I am going to ignore the obvious (your screen name) and reply anyway.
“The current dealer model isn’t going away any time soon.”
See, it can work. Everyone wins, except appliance buyers.
Not really. The supply chain is the same, the production line is the same, the difference is in building to order versus building to spec. Building to spec works the cheaper the product. The OEMs are not broke, they have cash, and with deposits required, they have guaranteed sales versus building tons of crap and…