Bitter Old Dude

No, you just obviously support having the state approve of a religious statement you agree with but not an anti-religious one that you don’t. We have this thing about separation of state from religion, and for a purpose. You are free to worship whatever deity or deities you want, and you are also free to not worship

This looks like a Porsche Panamera with some RR/Bentley touches in the front. And yet the Porsche Panamera is not ugly? Spoiler alert, it is.

Neutral: What If... No Subsidies?

Why the outrage over peanuts and not over perfume wearing, or using scented soaps, deoderants, laundry detergent, or other olfactory allergens that some suffer? Nobody gets all huffy (pardon the pun) over that, yet that can cause more reactions than someone 5 rows away munching on a handful of peanuts. Nobody gets

Luckily, I have found that a certain unloved Grocery-Full Department store based in Arkansas carries Biscoff cookies.

Don’t forget Audi’s Michele Mouton in the Group B championship. In Rally. A truly badass version of racing.

“It didn’t matter that IMSA is a series full of gentleman drivers who compete because they have the money more than the merit, that there are plenty of men out there with lengthy careers who just haven’t achieved much.”

Yes, a good point, but I think you are missing my point about AND versus OR.

Again, missing the forest for the trees. You are so hung up on literal, you don’t seem to understand nuance at all. When you only have one tool, a hammer, everything is a nail.

I agree, but batteries are just one part of a solution. Everyone is hung up on the idea that there will only be one way, one solution. A big problem usually requires a lot of solutions, working together and addressing individual needs, to acheive a goal. Batteries are one solution, and one that has both benefits and

Why is Warren doing badly? The same reason as all of the democratic candidates.

Here’s the deal, NASCAR. Either drop the diversity shit and be the racist redneck loving dumbfuck you want to be or drop the Confederate-loving, right wing ‘Murican catering bullshit. Just let white guys from the South run, with an occasional Yankee slip in for someone to purposely wreck. No more women, no more

Asia is developing a middle class, yes, but it’s not like the middle class of America as you are likely thinking. And even if it is, it’s more like the 1950s middle class boom we had, where the majority of sales of vehicles was of more basic models, with a price around 75% of annual income. Compare that to Asia today,

Neutral: Is There Room For A New Dakota?

It’s like a body builder wearing a very nice Italian suit.

Hardee’s (and it’s parent/twin Carl’s Jr) make no bones about trying to appeal to the 18-25 year old male customer and offer the largest caloric intake items they can. And sometimes, they hit it out of the park. Other times, they fall flat on their faces.

For a brief time in the late 1970s, there was a burger chain in Central Florida called “Wuvs”, for real. The worst part, they sold a fruit punch that they called Wuv Juice. Try that now, and someone is going to go apeshit crazy.

If, my friend, you don’t see it as a truck, good for you. However, the Tahoe/Yukon/Escalade is based off the GM pickup, not a car, not a unique platform. It’s not anything but a nice truck, built on a truck frame, with a truck motor, all out of the GM catalogue. Most anyone would agree it is a truck at heart, soul,

Michael, perhaps you don’t hate hot rods, you are just sick of seeing 1,000,000 variations on the same theme. Familiarity breeds contempt. I understand that. It’s the same with hot-rods, Tri-Fives, Chevelles, Novas, Camaros, Mustang, and every other car that we see 50 of at a car show, only to pass them all by to look

Bingo! Cadillac should be the car of choice for this demographic, but nobody I know wants to be seen in one.