Bitter Old Dude

Actually, yes, they can. And in cases like this, they do.

I did overstep in saying “anyone”, but from my dealings with people of our age, you and your siblings identifying as boomers is not the norm. I understand that your elder brother would more likely identiy as a boomer, which would influence you and your younger sister to also have similar feelings. But I have 3 older

Ask anyone born from 1960 to 1964, and they will tell you that they are NOT Boomers. That arbitrary 1964 date is based on an 18 year date after the GIs returned from WWII, the defining start of the Baby Boom. Not too many people born 1960-4 have siblings born in 1946, and those born after 1960 are the ones seeing the

I get it, we should all love each other and sing Kumbaya...

But to the passerby, they all look the same. And that is Cadillac’s mistake. It can be uglier than hell but if people see it is a Cadillac, they automatically assume it is more expensive. As it stands, its a JC Whitney Tahoe with leather seats.

Neutral: Why Aren’t You Buying?

It really is that harsh. How would you deal with it if someone ordered something you make, but then decided against it, and then demanded that you give it to them anyway, but for free?

Sorry, not sorry. And not sad. It was kinda funny, and probably true. You were bitching about me being specific when you were being just as bitchy about your specific argument. If you argue with your wife that way, I am positive someone ain’t getting any.

Wow, sorry your wife doesn’t put out. For you.

Yeah, I know that the shit that passes as “chrome” is coated plastic. It’s cheap, tacky, peels off quickly, and looks more like something purchased at Pep Boys and glued on than what used to be chrome trim. And it’s factory!

Well, since we are arguing, let’s try to agree on topic, as you are arguing about pedantic issues that I did not address. I simply have been calling bullshit on the trope that people don’t fit in a certain car based on height of over 6 feet. They do fit, and all I have asked is that they say that they are ‘not

With all the plastic cladding instead of actual metal making up the bulk of the bodywork where chrome used to be, we would be looking at plastichrome appliques pasted on, so consider it a win.

Actually, I had 4 people 6 feet or taller in the Escort, and since I don’t have kids now, nobody has sat in the back of the 500. Yeah, most of those are 2 seaters, but they get the “I don’t fit” bullshit, which was my point. You may have a point in saying that your basketball team doesn’t fit in Yaris, but then, you

Neutral: Value

I also advocate for mandatory testing - but for everyone, every renewal, every 4 years or so. All it would take is a good simulator located in a DMV office, with the results downloaded for staff to pull up and use to renew or deny. Hell, if you can have an arcade version of driving games, how difficult or expensive is

That’s it in a nutshell. They hyped and hyped and hyped and when it finally happened, nobody cared anymore.

It’s the oldest line in the book, the old “I don’t fit into small cars” BS. You fit, buddy, but you like the extra space in the oversized vehicles. No shame in that, but don’t tell me you don’t fit into a smaller vehicle, you just aren’t as comfortable in them. And yes, I am over 6 feet tall, 200 plus pounds, and use

I am not against older drivers, and as I am rapidly approaching that milestone myself, I don’t believe it is age that is the issue. Age-related decline in reflexes, decreased sensory cognition, memory issues, and such from growing older is just one of many problems. A lot of people, regardless of age, would fail a

Realistically, maybe.

You are very fortunate, but sadly you are in the minority. Few older people willingly give up driving, and usually do only after an accident or some other calamity befalls them. A crash, a near miss, or like with my Grandfather, getting lost for hours driving home. The sad norm is one like the older man who ran over