Bitter Old Dude

All the better to drop the kids OFF at the pool. I ain’t going back for them myself....

Or the Soul. Made for hip-hop hamster loving youth, driven by Boomers.

You are missing the forest for the trees.

I think it will appeal to NON-TRUCK buyers, a completely different demographic, and if the position it well and price it right (which Hyundai seems to do well), it will work. No truck buyer will want it, but then, we never thought sedans would decline in popularity so precipitously as they did. We had small trucks in

2nd Gear: OK, Boomer Car Buyer

Exactly. Since cars were first made, advertisements went one of two ways. First, that it was thrifty, a car for the frugal, and very much value for money. The other was the car was powerful, thus sexy, and it would get you laid.

They only ‘may’ appreciate IF the item is new and unused. A worn Hermes is not going to appreciate, just depreciate a bit slower. It will never have a value of $30K, and unless insured properly, it’s just a purse and can be replaced with something else.

Mistakes my ass. When you purposely craft to break laws, defraud people, or otherwise break rules set by society, you did not make a mistake. You committed a crime. You are a criminal, period. When you knowingly bypassed any safety when testing something and someone is hurt or killed, you are guilty of manslaughter or

It’s the dilemma presented in Christianity of loving the sinner while hating the sin.

Well, yes and no. A current Ferrari does not look, feel, act, or drive like one from the 1960s, yet a current one is still a Ferrari based on who is building it. By your definition, it is a Ferrari only in name, as it is not a carbon-copy.

JLR and Geely looks to be a likely hookup. If JLR wants to go EV, China is where to learn how to do it, and Geely has shown that they can own a brand and not fuck it up via Volvo. BMW? If they have any interest in JLR, it’s just to have bragging rights that the Germans have taken over the British car industry in

Yes, you keep arguing that fact. But the simple fact is that as a driver of a 2 ton or more projectile, it is your responsibility to be aware of your surroundings at all times. Period. It matters not whether you are programmed to miss this based on mental wiring, it’s your job as a driver to be vigilant or just not be

This is why I really support calling anything above a certain weight or height a commercial vehicle, and require a commercial driver’s license and commercial insurance to be able to operate one legally. Do that, and WHAM!, big SUVs and trucks are suddenly not so fashionable, are they Dorothy?

Unfortunately, most likely, none. This is Floriduh, first and foremost, and if FIGG and company see any real consequences, I will be surprised. In a perfect world, the engineers and upper management that said it was all okeydokey would be put in front of a wall and shot, and all their personal assets assigned to the

But it happens in Gay Bars, FFS.

This is why we can’t have nice things.

Your opinion is valid, as is ANY opinion, but in context of time and place, this design was keeping in line with the norm.

I still think Nissan will end up bankrupt and/or taken over by Renault. If they go bankrupt, Renault as shareholder will use the courts to buy up all outstanding shares and take over. If they don’t declare bankruptcy, Renault will use their 34% voting rights to effectively force a takeover. The issue is how hard the

The point would be to shoot and kill Hitler, then take his money and use it to solve global warning. Uber is evil, and we might be better off if it was shot and any money remaining in their account was put towards something productive.

Perhaps, but the Ferrari demographic, the filthy rich, also are not so much brand loyal as brand conscious. The second that having a Ferrari does not afford you the spot up front in the valet line, those folks will stop buying. For all their history, all their glory, all their innate engineering expertise and build