Sorry for the double reply but the media looooves her. And even liberals cut her some slack. You can see it here! I don’t think it’s unrealistic at all.
Sorry for the double reply but the media looooves her. And even liberals cut her some slack. You can see it here! I don’t think it’s unrealistic at all.
I’ve said this a few times... I have a sneaking, creeping, not unrealistic fear that the first woman president of the United States will be Ivanka Trump Kushner. Also, the first Jewish president.
See this is why ivanka is as bad if not worse than the rest of them. She’s dangerous because her perceived softness and good looks lulls you into a false sense of security. Like her father she has no values or principles. She will do anything for power, money and prestige. If Donald doesn’t run in 2020, I wouldn’t be…