
My apologies for being blunt Alex, but 'assuming you did nothing wrong' is sheer ignorance. First and foremost you have a DEFAULT expectation of privacy and presumption of innocence UNTIL proven guilty. What if she gave them the password and they recovered naked pictures of her on the drive in question? Not

As a security professional, I can assure you NO ONE thought a three character password was secure. They didn't think and didn't care. There is a world of difference. What happens in most SCADA environments is so low-level govt. employee who barely knows anything about IT is told he/she is responsible for security

Not entirely true, but close. Plenty of species do tend to be serially monogomous such as Emperor Penguins.

I love how 'Global Warming' is a scientific fact. Just like global cooling over the last decade is a scientific fact, but that somehow gets put aside and ignored in hockey stick charts and such.

Exactly... I loved the Giz spin on this, 'we need government price controls because without them companies will take advantage of helpless cheese-lovers'. Then we see that the consumer has the REAL power here, when there is less demand (ie. boycott) producers are willing to accept less profit for their goods... wow,

1. you don't have a right or expectation of privacy in a public place so I think your approach is a bit misplaced. Like a girl who dresses skimpy and complains about all of the attention in public... get over it.

Yet more proof of why this country is in the shapes it's in... this guy would be arrested if he was a school janitor showing his junk to college girls, but this is the low-bar of acceptable behavior for a Congressmen entrusted with preserving our rights and upholding the Constitution. If he had any self-respect left,

I love all this anti-capitalist 'we are getting fkt' talk... it reeks of 1st grade economic understanding. If you were truly getting screwed you would get rid of your phone or go to another provider... it is that simple. You are with your current provider because in the back of your 'down with the greedy corporate