
No actually the exception with voice calling once it is enabled is that it will not dial 911 because it doesn’t support E911 and they don’t want accidental calls clogging up the emergency lines.

I can feel your outrage.

Well, as it says “violent domestic dispute” I see no issue here. That is proper terminology for the incident.

He avoided his aggressive, tough-guy style handshake with Putin? I’m shocked! Shocked, I tell you!


Liberal logic

This is literally the Christian baker argument before the Supreme Court: If I have to make gay cake, a black baker could be forced to make Klan cake.

That makes zero sense.Bakers are able to decorate any gender confused persons cake. They just chose to exercise their right not to. Just like the barber could have done f he wanted to. And if he did, I’m thinking this would have been a story to your liking. See,there is the problem , you oly want equal rights and free

You are a goddam fool, then.

hahaha... this is a joke too... right?

You can visit him at ‘The War Zone’

Ransomware creation should be punishable by death.

Fuck these losers. I cannot stand the type of person who thinks it’s a great idea to extort people. This type of person makes me sick.

Clearly, that is not Trump’s approach, thus the mess at the Pentagon over yesterday’s announcement.

If they don’t settle down we’ll have to hit an empty runway with a bunch more Tomahawks.