You can visit him at ‘The War Zone’
You can visit him at ‘The War Zone’
Liberals where are you!??? Praying in an airplane!!! Hell no! We must protest and do some other bullshit to stop this! Right libs?
Actually you had to fight with your body to push the shit out which took some hard work, and the toilet probably didn’t wanna flush so you had to fix it.
Too much vodka soaked taco meat
Is the bike riders hands black or is he wearing leather gloves?
The circus is in town
Mental illness EXTREME
You’re the most racist nig I’ve seen
Nig go back to Africa
This is the dumbest article I’ve read, that nig who wore the shirt has to be mentally ill
And what if the Russian tank stalls and break down again?
Hey come on... sane people know the killing of Osama was BS.
You need to quit F.A
Meanwhile the 99% can live on $500 a month
You love terrorist
Who cares about 1 Muslim girl?! Hundred of Muslims die every hour in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan...etc I don’t see you crying about that! More whites die each day from Muslims and blacks but you don’t care... you’re a liberal.
The liberals are going full retard tonight with these Muslims deaths! Yet they don’t care about white people dying daily. 1 Muslim dies in USA and liberals lose their mind, 9 whites die and liberals say good. Wtf
Muslims just killed 7 in London again! You should be reporting that.