
Meanwhile the 99% can live on $500 a month

You love terrorist

Who cares about 1 Muslim girl?! Hundred of Muslims die every hour in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan...etc I don’t see you crying about that! More whites die each day from Muslims and blacks but you don’t care... you’re a liberal.

The liberals are going full retard tonight with these Muslims deaths! Yet they don’t care about white people dying daily. 1 Muslim dies in USA and liberals lose their mind, 9 whites die and liberals say good. Wtf

Muslims just killed 7 in London again! You should be reporting that.

WHO CARES IF SHES MUSLIM??? If a white Christian was beaten and killed you would not report that she was Christian in your article guaranteed! Why put religion into it? Libtards... that’s why.

Well the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ all have mental diseases so....

If the West were brave and a smart enough they would’ve killed the tyrant Putin already but they keep him alive so everyone can make money and or they are scared if they kill putin WW3 might happen... the US should send a NAVY SEAL hit team to take out Putin and make it look like an accident or take out the entire

You look like a shrek/pig hybrid

Let me guess libtards... CROSBY IS RACIST! Waaaa waaaa waaaa

If anti-American muslims held a major event across cities in USA, I’ll guarantee you @Michael Harriot that you would not make an article about it. It’s okay for Muslims to make a anti-American events according to some libtards like you.

The anti-American terrorists are the Muslims.

Charge the racist black man for hitting the white racist guy too

Muslims love inciting violence and they never get arrested.

I’ll help with my 22. In Canada

I wish some extremely intelligent extraterrestrial beings from a different galaxy gave me an Iron Man suit with the same if not better technology that “Tony Stark” has in his Iron Man suit in the Marvel movies... then I can stop wars, kill putin, Isis, duck tape Trumps mouth become an international world leader...etc

Libtard is butthurt

The libtards are happy they have something to use against in case a conservative says something about Muslim terrorism. The Portland guy is not a terrorist. Should we call BLM activists who kill 12 people a terrorist? Nope, libtards will say he’s a patriot or some other stupid crap

Muslims are swine, rats, satanic terrorists fuck em.

Dumbest article I read today