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    When can we buy an Urban Outfitter shirt regarding this?

    What, you expected some kind of nuanced thinking to the person who came up with the handle, “TechBro”?

    “Yeah, baby!”

    I am legitimately and irrationally mad that I’ve heard the phrase “Diaper Dandy.”

    Vitale is unwatchable for me.

    they too white

    Wouldn’t it be cool if “Phila” was sponsored by “Fila”? I feel like it makes sense.

    Yes! Exactly! Also, drain the swamp! Or, drain the болотный*!

    Now, now, let’s give him a chance.

    “Boner killer.”

    Tell us how you really feel on the issue.

    Throw some salt, indeed.

    Cool, thanks for the response. I doubt I would have been able to pass up the opportunity.

    What would you have done? If you were staring down the barrel of a very lucrative deal and the opportunity to be the lead of a potential franchise?

    This whole, “you’re not doing progressivism the way I think you should be doing it, therefore you are bad” thing is getting old.

    war man bad


    hard to see that old clip from snl and realize it occurred that recently.