
what happened to the pinch and pull method?

always loved this one

it could be an optical illusion but it kinda looks like they are spinning the nut to the right(tighter) when they are taking of the wheel at the :58 second mark...reverse threads?

seems about right...whenever I do a mod I go out to test it...luckily theres no cops (usually) in my area.

so there goes the rest of my day....*checks youtube...there are full playlists of these....scratch that...there goes my week.

from the sound of the turbine spooling up I thought we would see a tank do a neutral drop....

get on one of those massive trampolines and do a few flips...personally I love the feeling that you get when the few drops of water trickle out at body temperature..I doubt you get it with the alcohol method..

2:20 mark...nuclear scientist stand around machinery with an adjustable wrench and a ball-peen hammer... cupholders?

redline mt90 if you are rocking a stick makes your shifts silky smooth.

the stig isn't a person, it's a title...same way 007 isn't necessarily james bond...

that cup holder costs as much as my car...and you can't drive a cup holder...

all the time...desktop or any laptop that is functioning as a desktop is wired...also if I need to transfer large amount of files around I will use a wired LAN set-up.

Every time I drive through virginia on the I-95 I think of that picture...

I have a friend who is an EMT and a member of the local HELP organization, and one day after nearly getting hit while helping out a motorist we installed these massive 5X8 LED units(similar to pic except LED) that usually go on the back of the ambulance to the underside of his bootlid so that when it is open he is

thats the way to do it...forget about home made pizza, do it with a fullsize.

somehow this reminds me of superman 3 when the bad guy gets robotized...

I only write in cursive...