
proof that only Toyotas are grounded to the ground...

Not meaning to take away anything from this but...he was using a jack on a yard...I can't imagine it taking much for the jack to displace enough soil for it to become unstable...also...while a car does weigh quite a bit, shifting the cars weight back over to the other three wheels might not be such an incredible feat

a good part of this was filmed near me in rockland county...the Hampton inn is off of rt. 59 in Nanuet.

I am gonna do a similar set-up and run talkatone fulltime..

I found it easier to remove the whole housing to swap out the bulbs....especially the highs since they were held in by an annoying clip that I wasn't able to get back on blind...

The $30 a month T-mobile which only gives you 100 minutes but unlimited data (5gb at 4G and overflow is 3G).

I think part of the awe is that it is gravity doing the pulling...also the test beaker is cool..

$1000?!?! is he replacing motors and batteries every round?

now to create a feeding mechanism so that this goes in an infinite loop...

try the microwave...

always wondered how powerful those store bought car FM transmitters are, thought up a prank of driving behind someone you know who listens to a specific frequency and "hijack" it to play your own media... be father asked me to bill his company any time I do IT work for's in the budget and he rather give me the work as opposed to some random guy. And it probably won't be for dinner at the round table...

While the overall build seems very professional, I was wondering how well did he plan for such a's just that that filler hole cover seems a little last minute...if it was me I would try to have a fitting on it...or at least attached to the tank somehow so it doesn't pop out.

still fun to nitpik as a potential consumer...

thumbnail looked like a bunch of carrots...

how do they differentiate where the traffic is? what if it's in the opposite line? you are just creating a notice so rubberneckers know to expect something...thereby creating even more traffic...or an overpass? or two highways running parallel?

Thanks, good to know someone's got my back.

Must. Not. Post VVS clip twice in one day.... mean to tell me a cone has to be conical in shape?