
no...chevy's sink LIKE A ROCK....also I don't think that that is fording the pond correctly...

I got about half way in before it clicked...did you ever fix that cigarette lighter?

not a crazy one...not even road rage...but it just happened a half hour ago...

aha...jack stands were hiding in the shadows...glad you guys thought it through all the way....

a jack on the duck bill....I hope to god you had those rear wheels chucked...and strapped in the rear to an eyelet or two...

staying within your avatar's theme...nicely done..

as a general rule I pack a small router with me whenever I go to hotels...although I was in a hilton that didn't have cat5 ports and wanted to charge $10 per device per day for I had to go to the common area for the wifi...which leaks up to the 4th floor...I have been thinking about running some repeaters

I have a theory that if you agree to their search, they will just do a quick cursory search...not pulling seats out or anything...but if you deny them, and they think they have something they might call it in and get a warrant and bring the dogs and totally search the car..behind panels, under carpet etc if

ah...the way things work...good's my go to book when there's nothing else in the library that meets my fancy, must have read it hundreds of times over the years....there was a PC pinball game version of it that I have somewhere...

left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot, jump, left foot, right foot, left foot, jump, right foot, left foot, left foot, left foot....shit...

right...I will remember not to that...

you know...there are just no decent pictures of an Asian guy holding a mike...

that raindrop could not have been in a worse spot to block the action.

the opens sideways....

I can't tell if the cop is wearing a steel/composite toe boot or not... at first he's just "dude you run over my foot" but then towards the end you see the cop leaning on the car trying to take the weight of that foot as if it's seriously injured..

I see someone else also overfills it...i can't figure out why I always evaporates dry after a week or so...sucky place to get a chemical rash too...

and then they wrote you a check for doing PR work..

Ergo your mom's american.

I do #9 because I drive an #8 and #7 makes it cheaper...

it's a vent...while it won't frigerate your food but it will keep it chilled...also works in the winter as a food warmer...