
In the wrong hands LSD can be a very powerful mind control drug. Manson knew this !!!


He was prosecuted for enforcing the law . . . it makes no sense.

Bannon 2020

So . . . maybe if we just let NK take out a few American cities, say, Seattle and San Francisco, maybe that’ll shut up some of these Trump/America haters.

these people are like super annoying . . .

It’s what plants crave.

Coming to a street near you.

Hang the traitor !!!

Just let it fail, then it’s all on Obama.

Will you please just shut the f*ck up !!!

The one thing UPS had going for them was that they required their drivers to get signatures. Amazon isn’t gonna be too happy with the number of products they’ll have to replace because of all the packages that wind up getting stolen off of people’s porches.

People don’t realize why the partial birth abortion procedure was created in the first place.

My TVs been off for over a year now.

Damn, you beat me to it!!!

Meanwhile, 20 people die in the ensuing pile up.

I wonder if everyone gave Sigourney a standing ovation at the underwear scene in the Alien movie when it came up. I sure would have.

All I wanna know is who do I sue when one of these things runs into me.