
I’m fine with him staying in through the final few primaries, but I agree, he needs to tone it down. I understand that he never considered the Democratic Party as anything more than a rental, but he shouldn’t be ripping up the floor boards as his lease expires.

dracula can walk in sun light

Just another bullet-ridden day in the good ole US of A.

You have cats who like belly rubs? Belly rubs with my cats are like playing Russian roulette: you could win (and when you do, it’s BIG), but when you lose, there’s a lot of blood.

Murdering his father in cold blood, with his helmet off, seems like the first time he actually did something very, very bad and faced it. It will be part of his “training” to the dark side. But I predict a 3rd-movie change of heart. They already sowed the seeds.

I thought that was the point; he’s an angry, confused teenager who has a crazy amount of power, and that’s a scary concept in itself. I’m sure he’ll come back next movie with his training complete and be much more like Vader than Anakin.

Word. I have some complaints about the movie, but Ren was not one of them. I was really surprised by how much I liked Adam Driver. I went in hella skeptical, too, the only thing I knew him from was GIRLS, which I can’t stand (yet still seem to watch) and I just thought there’s no fucking way. The he takes the helmet

Anakin might have had more valid reasons, but Kylo was more convincing acting-wise.

Kylo is a better Anakin than Anakin was.

Right? Adam Driver did in one movie what Lucas didn’t allow Hayden Christensen in two. Though, I do have to say that despite how horribly Lucas’ writing was for Hayden, that the basic outline of Anakin’s descent makes total sense to me on paper. His mother being tortured and dying in the desert and then forseeing the

I still feel that the descent to the darkside feels a bit more honest, he’s seeking to contribute and become something greater, he has motivation that spans beyond himself and his introduction proved he was a badass on screen. What Abrams did with the character is essentially what we should have expected in Episode II

It’s a Skywalker thing. Luke was whiny as hell until he became a Jedi Knight.