I can get behind this. Assuming that the Patriots end up in the game again.
I can get behind this. Assuming that the Patriots end up in the game again.
I think it was more a commentary on the lack of an NFL-caliber franchise playing in said stadium. But, welcome to Deadspin.
Jesus Christ. Next you’ll tell me that Urban Meyer is being brought on to oversee the program’s “Respect Our Women” campaign launching in 2019, and that Larry Nassar will be a consulting, out-of-state physician.
You forgot to file this under “This Is So Dumb.” Good God.
I agree with this more than anything that’s been written today. Because that’s what it is. The small market teams will get a brief shot at glory if they drafted well and patched through trades or free agency. The big boys get to reload every year with the cream of the free agent crop, offering up big contracts to buy…
Yeah, I see the problem there, too. Like I said to someone else on here, I think that the NFL is exciting because on September first, 31 teams are vying for Super Bowl spots, with Cleveland being Cleveland. On April first, I feel like 8 teams are vying for 2 World Series spots. That was the difference I was trying to…
Your point assumes that the cap would hamstring teams to making the same offer. Minnesota might offer him 95% of the cap to come lead a team of inbred high schoolers while LA might offer him 75% of the cap to come play on a team with competent teammates. A cap still leads to marquee players getting marquee contracts,…
Hahaha..I almost did the same thing to prove myself right, but work keeps getting in the way. Not enough, obviously, or I wouldn’t be sitting here commenting my morning away.
Yes, only because teams didn’t ‘have to’ trade to get under the soft cap. They can pay the taxes if they want. But like I said, my opinion has changed based on the evidence presented based on championships won by different franchises.
Nah, I’m totally current on the signing bonus requirements. I think that does help spread the talent pool. I never suggested otherwise. Just arguing in favor of a salary cap, which I’ve now abandoned if the research presented to me by a fellow commenter is correct. Apparently, the MLB has the most different champions…
That’s really awesome, and here’s your star for doing that work. Now, go back again and tell me how many different teams made appearances in the championship games or series. I’m curious if that changes the results to include more teams, rather than just counting winners. Either way, that result really does surprise…
Jesus, after your first sentence, I was worried my mom was on Deadspin. Whew, dodged a bullet there.
Haha..You are right. I am both crazy (thanks, mom!) and I don’t understand how people who have money spend it (thanks stupid career choices!). Brady and Manning would murder one another to start, but that’s not my problem. If I paid them to stay, I’m not playing against either one of them.
The 2015 Royals are the model for small-market success, absolutely. They didn’t draft all of their All-Stars, however. Like I said, you hit on a few draft picks, and you round out the roster with more expensive acquisitions.
Last time I checked, the NFL was a violent sport with a 100% injury rate. If I ran a team that had unlimited resources, you bet your ass I’d sign both Tom Brady and Peyton Manning. When one gets hurt, the second one plays. Let them fight over playing time, until one of them murders the other, thereby making him…
They need a floor AND a cap, is my opinion.
I don’t believe that you can draft your way to a World Series, because the time it takes from draft day to making your first big-league start is usually years. You absolutely do have to spend money to compete, you’re right. I don’t agree that teams won’t pay “past their prime” players if that player is better than…
My point is that every NFL season starts with 31 teams vying for 2 spots in the Super Bowl (LOL Cleveland, of course).
Did you take Economics 101 in school? If one team has an unlimited supply of cash, they would pay the 22 best players in the world.
I agree that the Brewers could win a World Series if the cards all fell right, but they won’t. Their roster wouldn’t have stacked up against Boston’s. It really didn’t even stand up against the Dodgers. They got lucky to force Game 7, but the better team clearly came out on top of that one.