
I don’t know if I would say that baseball has the most parity. I would argue that the NFL does, if you simply look at the number of different teams that have made the Super Bowl compared to the number of different teams that have made the World Series. I have never done the research to prove either way, I just

Barry, might I suggest that a hard salary cap is actually exactly what MLB needs? I’m a Brewers fan, so I’ve already come to accept the reality that my team will never get any closer to sniffing a World Series than they got this year. They simply can’t. Mark Attanasio has increased payroll spending five-fold over his

Yeah, but that was less awesome because it was clearly illegal. Terry McAulay was right. Unfortunately, that’s not what the refs called. But you can’t just run an entirely new unit onto the field without letting the defense substitute. It’s kind of the whole purpose of the no-huddle offense, no? You know you gotta let

That doesn’t even look like a legal formation! I’d think somebody somewhere should be whining about ineligible receivers. But hey, anytime we get a fat man touchdown, the rules go out the window.

Pete Rose fuckin’ in the Hall of Fame is a mental image I can no longer unsee, thankyouverymuch.

How is there not a wing for people who wrote/followed/broke/cursed/unwrote/rewrote/complained about and/or shamelessly mocked the unwritten rules?

Drew, if you’re not back here soon, you’re going to force me to root for the Vikings. Don’t do that to me. I’ve already had enough suffering this year.

I greatly enjoy your use of CTE as a verb. I’m going to have to see if I can incorporate the same into my own vocabulary.

I don’t know if that’s right. You see, the former head coach was always terrible with his timeout usage. This is the same thing, but with the added joy of throwing red stuff on the field while pissing away timeouts. He’s a perfect fit!

Yeah, I don’t even know why they highlighted that. Don’t talk to me about snowstorms messing with shit until you have blizzard warnings out for 15 inches of snow.

Because teams that don’t do it are pissed that their hitters can’t get hits? Or, you know, because Manfred wants to shoot himself in the dick?

I honestly don’t see a single thing wrong with this tweet, and it pisses me off that the Packers would fire somebody for saying it. Too many people in Wisconsin are too quick to blame McCarthy, but Rodgers has generally looked like butt this season. It’s not like he’s had anybody to throw the ball to, but the dude

Is anybody going to even mention the used toilet paper on the floors situation? I used to work in a manufacturing plant, and we couldn’t hire enough people who wanted to work. So, naturally, we’d get a contingent of Central-American immigrants that would come in and do the work. Great people, hard workers, no

Holy fuck....

You’re right, the whole thing is stupid. But anything that fuck with Ohio State automatically gets approved by me. Those cock goblins deserve every bad thing that happens to them from now until forever. Purdue kicked their ass from start to finish, which automatically means that they are not a top-4 team in the

I personally can’t wait for their Back-2-Back National Championship parade at Disney World. If I didn’t work a dead-end job for shit pay, I’d pay to go down for it.

I rode around Madison, WI one day a few years back in my hardtop Pontiac G6 Convertible when it was like 45 degrees outside, and let me tell you, people give you the dumbest looks. After a winter that was below zero for like 30 straight days, 45 degrees is a goddamn heat wave, and I was tired of waiting for summer.

I think the last time that I was this excited about Bucks basketball was way back in 19-never.

Do you know why nobody watches Today? Because Hoda and Kathie Lee, that’s why. Those two fucking clowns ruined TV for everyone. I’m too lazy to change the channel, so I used to watch the CBS news just so that I didn’t have to change the channel at 9:00. Now, Hoda is on at 7:00, giving me even less reason to watch that

Good God, man. Is Hue Jackson trying to Donald Trump Baker Mayfield in that photo??