
I won’t say that you’re wrong, because clearly there are some issues going on in Green Bay. But to be fair, the last two seasons of bed-shitting can be directly blamed on injuries.

But can you just line up and kick it as hard as you can at somebody’s nuts? I mean, sure, they’re probably not going to get hurt TOO bad with the cup on, but if somebody kicks a hard ball right at my testes, I’m sure as hell going to tense up and cover the brothers instead of thinking, “OOH, I better catch that ball

I mean, to be fair, it is possible to both love your hometown, and hate a parent who happens to still live there. I love my hometown, I hate my father. If my hometown started to burn to the ground, I’d encourage all of my family and friends to donate money to the cause, while also paying no attention to my father and

Generally speaking, I’d agree with you. However, you forgot the TRUE best holiday of the year, at least for anyone who doesn’t work in retail. The day after Thanksgiving (I refuse to call it Black Friday) is the greatest holiday of them all. I get to stay home, do nothing, travel nowhere, spend zero minutes with my

Anyone who watched the NLCS knows that he actually does hustle on the basepaths.

This sounds like a team that still has the greasy fingerprints of Bret Bielema all over it.

First, this sucks that the discrimination is so obvious, and I’m ashamed to live in America on days like this.

And yet, this is still the most Republican thing that she could possibly have done.

“You know what I’m going to do? I’m going to write an Executive Order demanding that those migrants stop in Mexico City and re-sod the entire field by hand. And I’m even going to make Mexico pay for it. It’s going to be the most beautiful field you’ve ever seen. Trust me.”

Is it a few more days to realize that? Or a few more days to fuck it up spectacularly and turn more people against them? I’m hoping for the latter, because it would amuse me.

If nothing else, this team has to at least end the season giving us new adjectives. I don’t think “hapless” will do.

My two cents on the matter are this:

Are you sure that everyone stood by Crosby, though? There was no small contingent of people I was watching that game with that said we should cut him.

Yeah, I saw that and wondered what the fuck they would do if the Trojans had another home game next weekend. It’s not like you can just paint back over the top of that Rams helmet.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people?? I’m one of the biggest Packers homers there is, and not once on Sunday did I ever think to myself, “Gee, I’d really like to get mad online right now and start sending hate mail to Ty Montgomery, his wife and kid.”

You know what else bumpers would be good for? Stopping the front end of my car from getting smashed in by some goddamn hippie motherfucker who has to have the bike rack plastered onto the back of his car. I swear, if I ever find the guy that did that to my car, I’m committing murder.

More important than any of these things? Giannis has made me care about the NBA. I hate the NBA more than any of the other 3 “major” professional sports. I live in Wisconsin, and we don’t even have an NHL team, and yet I still care(d) more about the NHL than I cared about the NBA.

I say this with the utmost respect, because your articles are good, Chris. But, I’m a Brewers fan, so without any anti-Boston bias, I mean this from the bottom of my heart.

I have an unrelated clothes question.

I have an unrelated clothes question.

God, I hate that I’m old enough to get this.