
Arcia had a terrible 2018, but that’s been an aberration. He plays one hell of a shortstop, and if the Brewers weren’t in a dogfight for the division all summer, I doubt he even gets sent down to the minors at all. If I’m Counsell, I’ll take a .200 hitter that can make the plays that he makes on the defensive side of

This was clearly a case of “hey, I grabbed his leg the first time and didn’t get caught, let’s see what I can get way with this time.”

I have nothing to discuss. This is the correct take now and always.

God, I was happy the Royals won it. That was such a great team!

Jealous that you got to see the clincher!! I’m trying to be optimistic about the NLCS too, but damn if we aren’t going to have to face Kershaw at least twice, probably three times if this goes 7 games.

Look, I’m not a professional umpire or anything, but I made the exact same call that Hernandez did on those first 3.

One. The answer is one. 

I could talk about this all day, man. I’m a 36 year old Brewers fan, so I’ve known mostly shit for my life. 2008 was a glimmer of a future, and 2011 was the year that could have been. But this, finally, FINALLY feels like a team that’s going to be more than just a flash in the pan.

Did they make any contingency plans for today? They were saying on the Milwaukee radio broadcast last night that snow/sleet was in the forecast for today. I can’t imagine it was fun to be there yesterday, but today would have been worse.

I’m a Brewers fan sucking up every last ounce of enjoyment that I can find this morning, and I still feel bad for Colorado. They really aren’t as bad as you make it seem. They went on quite a run to make it, hitting plenty.

Hey, wait a minute. Some of us are fun.

This sounds like someone who likes to grab onto the front-runners, and you should not be friends with them. I suppose you’re going to tell me that this person is also a huge Golden State Warriors fan. I’m betting that they also really like the Chicago Blackhawks, but not so much the last year or two.

Thanks, buddy. It’s been a fun and frustrating week at the same time. I was really conflicted on Tuesday, because I both wanted to play the Cubs and avoid them at the same time. I think it’s pretty unfair that the 2nd-best record in the entire National League got taken out of the postseason in a stupid one-game

I mean, sure, that would be nice, but there’s no way we only lose 3 of the last 12 games.

Maybe they’re just doing what the Wisconsin Badger student section has been perfecting for years. Wake up at 9:00am, drink until 12:30pm, show up at the stadium at 1:00 for an 11:00 kickoff, and get right back to the bars by 2:30.

I’m ok with it, but really only if they were to re-seed the playoffs and make the teams with the 2 worst records play in the one game. This year is goofy as hell. I don’t know how it’s been recently, but this year has two division winners that have the worst record in their respective leagues.

The Packers are butt this year, and there’s nothing McCarthy is going to do to fix it. He doesn’t have the roster to pull anything better than maybe 9-7 out of this season.

I didn’t need any more reasons to hate the Yankees, Barry.

Huh, I didn’t hear that stat. I was watching the Statcast broadcast until about the 8th inning. I kept complaining about one of the broadcasters, and how I wanted to punch him in the face for being so annoying. My friend thought I was talking about Alex Rodriguez, until he realized I wasn’t watching the same broadcast

Good point, thanks! I didn’t even consider that. I just assumed we’d see him twice.