
If you need any more reasons to like the guy, back when he was with the Brewers, he was one of the few players to stay back at the end of a Spring Training game and sign autographs for every person that stopped him along the way. Every. Single. Person. I love March baseball more than August baseball, and Gennett is a

Dammit..... Unless “El Koja” somehow translates to “big head” and “Comando”...Wait a minute...Maybe this DOES work!!!!

What did Elvis Andrus and Adrian Beltre go with? If they didn’t do “couples” names, I’m gonna be pissed.

Responsibility Bowl? People at Bills games stay sober????? Is this a trick question???????????????

I’m a Brewers fan, and someone who has been to Spring Training 3 times, so trust me when I tell you that there is no fucking way in fucking hell that I’m spending $755 per game for spring training baseball. All of that being said, the Brewers are currently playing in an outdated park in a bad area of Phoenix, so

Come on, man. We just talkin’ ‘bout PRACTICE.

I guess I meant that Goodell is doing it poorly because we plebes all hate him AND all of the owners. If Goodell was good at his job, he’d be the only clown in the circus, not just one of the rings.

Before Goodell, I felt like the job of the Commissioner was to keep his or her sport popular and growing. Then I watched Goodell make it about money and power, and realized that Commissioners are just paid shills and fall-guys who take all of the hate away from quad-zillionaire owners. Goodell does that poorly. Selig

This is a really interesting article, thanks! I’m a 35-year old Wisconsin homer, so I’ve always been on the “rah-rah” Brewers train. But, I’m young enough that I don’t remember a time where the Brewers weren’t in Milwaukee.

Your team is still far better than my team. Though, at least it was reasonably good baseball. And we can all agree that Chris Christie sucks.

As a Brewers fan, I’m supremely confident in agreeing with you. The Brewers are fucked. One of these years, I’ll learn to stop believing in them. One of these years.

Today reminded me that yes, I am a goddamn idiot for rooting for the Brewers. I deserve this.

The absolute best advice I ever got was from a former manager who told me to “look out for yourself, because nobody else here will.” Always be confident in yourself and your abilities, and stay informed of what your “market worth” is. If you know what you’re worth on the open job market, use that to negotiate better

Perhaps the answer is even more simple. Run a candidate who isn’t a buffoon. Barack Obama won 8 years in this country, despite a country that still can’t shake racism from it’s very core. I don’t think that Obama was any more grassroots than Hillary, considering that he’d been in politics before. Obama was likeable,

This is great! But seriously, what the fuck is USA yoga? Is this a competitive sport now? Jesus....

Given the choice between Jeb(!) and Jeets, I’m taking the shotgun to the side of the head 99 times out of 100.

HOT TAKE Alert - All All-Star games are fucking pointless. Do away with them all. Let the players decide who the “All-Stars” are from each league, not the fans. Skills competitions, fan festivals (meet and greets with players?), etc. Just make it a big block party in a different city every year. The game is boring.

“Noooo. SHIT!” - Me, on a Wednesday morning in November of 2016


I agree with you in spirit, but this isn’t the best example to cite. This is an extremely long trip. 5,000 miles between the two cities, and the fare is only $969. That’s less than 20 cents per mile to travel across the entire nation, and halfway across the Pacific ocean. Plus, lots of airlines don’t even fly to