
To this day, I don’t know what it is. But every time I hear the name Kyle Schwarber, I immediately want to murder someone. I want to say he has the most punchable face in all of baseball, but I don’t think he does. (I’m looking at you, Brian McCann.) So, I’m just going to continue to say that he has the most punchable

Nobody denies that income inequality is the worst that it has ever been. I would argue, however, that unionization isn’t the magic bullet you’re seeking. A real-world, functional union is by itself a business unit, and it operates just like one. It takes in revenue, and spends that revenue to protect those in power at

Forget whether or not you HAVE to have a TV at the wedding reception, because you do. More importantly, people who plan fall weddings are MONSTERS. There are too many other things going on, man. I just had to go to a wedding 3 weeks ago during the Wisconsin/Michigan football game. I won’t lie, I was listening to the

In general, I think that you’re probably right. But I think the main problem is that people started really looking at the cost of everything Sanders wanted to accomplish, and started getting a bit of sticker shock. People can talk all day long about wanting free healthcare and wanting free college tuition, and then

This is good kinja.

+1 chocolate starfish

Speaking for most of the state of Wisconsin, we hate him because his ego wouldn’t let him play on the same team as Jack Skille. Which worked out well for us, of course.

Jon Lester may not be a Trump supporter, but he sure is going to an awful lot of trouble to remind people that he’s not a middle-aged black man. It’s like the same thing.

The ONLY appropriate response to this article is a photograph of the FIVE Oklahoma State players standing within 5 yards of the football, above the caption, “You think you deserved that win? Never should have let us score.”

This story makes me happy because I am a terrible person and I’m going to hell.

Do you have friends that are not 12, but still dicks? I have like 4 friends that use facebook mesenger like it’s going out of style, and nobody fucking sends message, they just send stickers. They’re in their early 30s, just like me. I want to murder them all.

Do you have friends that are not 12, but still dicks? I have like 4 friends that use facebook messenger like it's going out of style, and nobody fucking sends messages, they just send stickers. They're in their early 30s, just like me. I want to murder them all.

A 20 pack of TP, huh? Bielema is clearly stocking up early for the annual bowl-game bed shitting.

  • Yeah, you’re right. It is impossible to prove what pay would be without the unions. My response during the whole Act 10 fight was, “I’m not anti-union. They were instrumental in American labor history, and without unions, we’d all be working 7 days a week for 10 hours a day. I just don’t think that in their current

I greatly appreciate your response, even though I’m certain that we probably disagree regarding our stances on overall unionization. I think that in general, you’ve hit the nail on the head. The Republican PR machine has churned out beautiful language regarding “right to work.” Exactly like you said, who could

I can’t obviously say how detailed that EPI report got in terms of automation, but how much of this premise falls apart when you factor in the technological advancements of the last half century? The first chart can be explained easily if you consider productivity gains as a result of technological strides. And of

Wait just a minute....There are enough people that go to Chargers games to cause traffic jams? I call bullshit on this photo.

You know what the worst KIND of fart is? The fart that sneaks out when you sneeze!! Sometimes in my office at work, if I had a sneeze sneak up on me, a fart would slip out too. Of course, the volume of the sneeze seemed like it would have drowned out the fart noise, right? I can’t hear myself fart over the sneeze.

Coverage of these Olympic Games sure has been smashing!

Forever, I have a grudge against bicycle riders. Some fucking asshat with one of those bike carriers hooked into the TRAILER HITCH on his SUV backed into my car and dented the shit out of the front end. Didn’t leave an insurance card or anything. Fuck bicycle riders. You either ride your bike, or you drive your car.