
I'm legitimately asking this question, as someone who was somehow sleeping under a rock while all of this was going on and didn't know it was up for debate. (I suck at life...Also, I have a 2.5 year old, so if the TV is ever on, it's on fucking Dora the Explorer...Stab me right now.) But anyways, does/did this vote

I blame Southwest Airlines for this. Dammit, man. You can't even get a fan to the NHL awards??? But on the positive side, I bet his luggage still flew free.

He may be one of the worst cops in recorded history, but if it weren’t for him, my favorite OJ trial joke would never have existed.

That is karmically awesome, now that you point it out. I really do enjoy it. Only your third sentence is incorrect, because the Cowboys were on the wrong side of that screwing.

Come on, Patrick. Be better at this. He's at a Padres game because the hat's got his initials on it, obviously.

“Hi mom! We're broke, send money!"

2014 NFC Championship. I don't even care about the Super Bowl. Fuck Brandon Bostick.

I star you for the asshole wing, but nobody is going to call you out on the "Harvard of the Southwest" comment??

Or is it just a reminder of how far the Cardinals have fallen? The fact that the Brewers are within striking distance of the Cardinals makes the entire thing hilarious, because the Brewers are fucking terrible.

Note to self - do not hang out with Francisco Rodriguez. If he's not stepping on cacti in the Arizona desert, he's contracting Zika in Venezuela.

On the flip side, you could pick one out for your soon-to-be fiancé, only to find out that she thinks it was the wrong shape and size. First and only time in my life that my wife ever thought something I gave her was too small. HEY-O!

I mean, that seems totally backwards. At a watch party, you are stuck watching whatever feed is on. If you're at home, and you hate commercials, you have time to take a 10 minute shit, put the kid down for the night, and grab another beer during commercial breaks.

It took me far too long to get how this was possible. God, I hate the NBA.

So, let me get this straight. NBC is worried that if 8,000 people gather to watch one giant TV screen, there will be 8,000 fewer homes watching the same feed? Is Roger Goodell now also running NHL and NBC during the NFL offseason?

I’d also like to point out (for anyone that wants to listen, anyways) that sometimes you can be surrounded by people that push you into a decision.

“Dude, your ERA is only 6.00? What’s your secret?

Alright, Drew. Let’s get a few things straight here.

God dammit, Deadspin. I cannot see the words "Darren Rovell" without immediately adding the words "Sensitive Penis" after it. Now, he even has the costume to match!

Holy fuck, this is probably the most perfect description I've ever read.

Hey, be careful, lest you imply that RGIII is incredibly talented. That ship has already long-since sailed, hit an iceberg, and sunk.