If I wasn't already mired in my own personal hell of Brewers fandom, you'd be the only team in this division that I don't hate with a passion. Good luck this year. Anybody beating the Cubs and the Cardinals has my full support.
If I wasn't already mired in my own personal hell of Brewers fandom, you'd be the only team in this division that I don't hate with a passion. Good luck this year. Anybody beating the Cubs and the Cardinals has my full support.
In all seriousness, this totally has to work in his favor, doesn't it? It's not often (ever?) that batters get to see a guy like this. That's gotta get in their heads a bit. Did he pitch a clean inning?
Seriously, how does one decide what picture to put on the leaderboards when it’s a 25-man tie? Does the graphics guy pick his favorite player on the team? Does the team have special meetings to decide who goes on top of the list? This is bullshit. I don’t wan Jon Jay on the top of the leaderboard. I want some rookie…
The Brewers are still tied with the Cardinals! Also the last time those words will be uttered all season.
Stop being rational. That's not allowed on internet comment boards, dammit.
You're certainly not wrong. But at least as it stands now, aren't the teams willingly giving up the home game? I thought that it was volunteer only for now, at least for a team giving up the home game. But either way you slice it, it's still pretty crappy for the city. The owners can do whatever they want, and the…
Where in the world is Brian McCann??? He's surely got an opinion on this matter!
I really can't decide who has the most punchable face in America today? It's a real tossup between Donald Trump, Adam Schefter and Darren Rovell.
You think those have actually been mishandled? Or you just think they’re a bad idea? I’m personally torn. On the one hand, you're growing the game internationally. On the other hand, is it fair to make 6, 8, 10, 12 teams travel abroad every year for one game? Or is it fair to put a team in London that has to travel to…
Uh, I’m pretty sure Roger Goodell is the entirety of the list. Anything he has put his hands on has been a royal fuckup. Punishments and appeals of punishments (this list itself is 10 items deep). The New England Patriots. The Super Bowl ticketing fiasco in Dallas. Transportation issues at the NY/NJ Super Bowl.…
Are you new here?
Given the NFL's history of major fuckups, I'm half surprised that MySpace wasn't selected.
Hahaha....I think it looks more like Kate Middleton when you watch it fast.
I don't know what Kate Middleton was doing at that game, but she sure looked excited about the win!
Dare I say that it was his one shining moment? He didn't let America down.
Thanks for brightening my day. Watching them lose last year was almost as satisfying as watching Tommy Brady pout after his perfect season crashed down on him.
HOW am I the first person to star this? +420
This is an interesting article, and brought up a lot of interesting points that I didn't ever think about. It may give me pause the next time I consider playing golf. But, all of that said, it's also not completely evil, and it's also not prohibitively expensive everywhere. I still play with the clubs I bought when I…
There is nothing more satisfying in this world than watching Taylor Swift fall flat on her face.