
Boy bands also tend to be created by a record label (One Direction, for instance, was put together by The X-Factor).

You might want to look up what the phrase "third world country" means.

Anyone notice that CBS bleeped out just the second syllable of "douchebag"?

Even if they mix up the tribes?

Why so much hate for the mayor of Belbridge?

Also note that during the episode when she flipped, Kass was whining about people pandering to the swing voter, rather than respecting the people at the top of the alliance. In the next episode, she was saying in her confessional that people should be doing whatever it takes to get the swing voter on their side.

I found Sherlock profession of love for Alistair rather odd, given how he's been presented as being deeply misanthropic and his relationship with Irene Adler was such a fluke and so it was so devastating when she turned out to be Moriarty. I mean, at this point he's a misanthrope who simply can't connect with anyone,

"You know precisely what I mean by "non-threatening." It has nothing to do with the content, and everything to do with who is delivering that content."

Unfair to whom?

If I ever get on Survivor and have a HII I want to play, I would be tempted to do the following:

I think the weigh-in is at the beginning of the season, though, so people who've lost a lot a weight are at a disadvantage.

"So then you acknowledge that the ACA is fully constitutional? Cool."
Putting words in other people's mouths is childish.

What I am criticizing Cookie Monster for, I did not do. And it was idiotking who is characterizing a discussion of the history of the exchange as "he did it first!" In what way is my comment "he did it first", but Pseudonyms Anonymous' is not?

It does seem like someone should be able to figure that out. Although we don't get a very clear idea of how obvious Spencer was about sneaking off after getting back from the reward.

I think that if he can make it to the final three without flaming out, he'll have a good chance to win.

But you only get one "fuck" per movie, even if it's a nonsexual "fuck".

Outback Steakhouse: if there's an immunity clue at stake, it's worth putting up with the food.

Outback Steakhouse: tastes good, if you've eaten nothing but rice for the last few weeks.

Racism is when white people are more successful than black people because they are white. When white people are more successful than black people because of the actual content of their songs, that's not racism. Their music is "non-threatening"? As in, they're signing about how everyone is deserving of dignity, rather

At least they've found something other than a Black Eyes Peas song to rag on.