Von Schamann is Finkle

Good question - adopting my two kids, being named MVP of my high school baseball team, eating 25 "hot" wings at BW3 in one sitting ... the possibilities are endless, really.

I was playing in a golf outing once and had to pee while we were all putting. I wandered out to a tree roughly 100 yards away, turned to face about three-quarters away from the green and let ‘er rip. Right as I started my stream, a gust of wind blew by and from the fringe, I hear my playing partner yell, “What the

As a Kent State alum, I have to ask how Jim Christian is still getting work. In the eight years since he left the Golden Flashes - a program he took over in the wake of an Elite Eight appearance, and at an absolute recruiting peak - he’s gone 47-85 with no NCAA tourney appearances. I’ve always wondered how the

What about Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne? If only it contained some sort of geographic indicator ... #GoMastodons

Let’s not jump the gun on judging these comments.

As long as he actually throws to first it's not a balk. If you make a motion toward first after coming set, while still standing on or over the rubber, and then don't actually make a throw, it's a balk. At least that was the rule when I was pitching back in the go-go early 90s.

Ball is in parking lot. Would you like to play again? You have selected “No.”


“Oman, oman, please go in!"

There may never be a better basketball tweet than this one from Dion. First, he’s bragging about a 24 point performance (note that there were seven players who AVERAGED at least that in the ‘13-’14 season), then he links to a YouTube video in which the publisher insults him for his selfishness and bad decision-making.

The worst wasted timeout occurs when a team goes for it on 4th and short between the 40s, spends 39 seconds trying (and always failing) to draw the defense offside, then calls timeout with one second left on the play clock. Just take the delay! Your punter will thank you for the extra space to place his kick anyway.