
Maybe I’m weird....

While still in the shower, I use my hands to sorta...squeegee...myself mostly dry, then step out onto the mat, grab my towel, and finish drying.

I still can’t wrap my mind around adults who don’t remember the Mount St. Helens eruption so you can only imagine how this makes me feel.

The best part was no Chris Berman yelling, “Back, back, back,” after every homer. Then one of the announcers who did the show this year laid one on us and ruined it for me.

Bezos should rename the sales tax that Amazon now charges to “Donald Trump’s Internet Tax” with a link to that tweet.

Oh fuck. Now millions of Trumplings will start thinking “Internet Tax” is a thing. Every goddamned day with this man is a fucking nightmare.

That’s the real issue, Rockstar. Republicans never understand that if no one has any money, they can’t buy anything. That’s why their policies inevitably spark a recession. “Redistributing” wealth (taxes) from the wealthy means more people have more to spend. And middle- and lower-class consumers SPEND. We have to eat

This may be true for YOU and YOUR political views, but there are plenty of people out there who aren’t on the fringes of politics and prefer a more centrist, moderate approach. There is nothing wrong with wanting, say, pro-choice rights for women, marriage equality, AND lower taxes and smaller government.

No. I will continue to portray President Trump as the macabre, panic-inducing cartoon that he is. If I don’t have the freedom to express my point of view as I’d like, then we’ve already lost this great battle for liberty, and Russia might as well move into the West Wing.

I value my time a lot more than I did in high school. In high school, money was always very tight but time was plentiful. So it didn’t matter that it was $200 to untangle the broken serpentine belt, replace the broken pulley, and put it all back together. I’d spend the $50 in parts and fix it myself. Now, time is

A better battery, duh

A better battery, duh

My current obsession: a bumpy, jumpy, Triumph-knockoff first-generation Fairlady done up in vintage rally trim, like these original runners in the ‘69 Rallye Monte Carlo.

In that case, based on personal experience, do NOT get Amazon Prime

In that case, based on personal experience, do NOT get Amazon Prime

I have zero need for this thing and 100% desire for it at the same time...

I have zero need for this thing and 100% desire for it at the same time...

Yo dawg we heard you like tailgates...

+1 Probably the best Gus call ever.

Now playing

Yo, Zeke, he’s always been coooooold blooded.