I will be severely disappointed if Donald Trump lives through this pandemic.
I will be severely disappointed if Donald Trump lives through this pandemic.
Only for perpendicular parking. If the lot is angle parking; you will pull out and be going the wrong way down the aisle.
As long as someone isn’t trying to pull into the spot on the other side it is totally fine.
He’s a punk bitch supported by other punk bitches who crawl up into their own assholes when confronted just like the Lead Punk Bitch.
I love how Trump sycophants pull the same projection BS Trump himself does.
Note to conservative pundits, Fox News Junkies, MAGA Cult members and soulless GOP assholes, when Adderall is trending after the man you all blindly worship has given a “speech” you may want to re-evaluate things. Oh not to mention all the words this bloated sack of shit mispronounced and likely doesn’t know the…
I was starting to get paranoid that he’d start a war just to get reelected later this year.
Cottonelle Ultra GentleCare, the little lines make it effective, it’s durable so you don’t need to use a ton, it’s very soft, and it really is very gentle.
Cottonelle Ultra GentleCare, the little lines make it effective, it’s durable so you don’t need to use a ton, it’s…
“There were curses that were blanked out...Do I have to sit with my kids and explain to them what’s going on?”
Yes, it’s called being a parent you stupid fuck.
Joe Biden would throw that shit out with the trash and install a Golden Tee machine with oversized drink holder and ashtray.
First recorded instance of a Camry driver having more situational awareness than a police officer here.
I actually like it. I think it’s a pretty ideal car for tons of people. Really compact CUVs are pretty darn practical vehicles for a lot of the population now that their gas mileage isn’t that much different than their car equivalents. Let them trade a bit of handling for their preferred height for entry/visibility.
You could be in the Pacific Northwest where people will come to a complete stop before making a right turn on a green light...
Seattle isn’t getting a new NBA franchise anytime soon because the league would rather use them as a cudgel to beat other municipalities with. “You don’t want to build a new arena? Well, let me call up Seattle and see if they have any open dates.”
The talking point is that they want you to wait in line for hours for the old monorail that doesn’t go anywhere. Conveniently, one of the Oak View Group investors owns it(and is also the Prez or VP at the Port of Seattle). Hence, the huge fight against Chris Hansen and a stadium(100% privately funded) in Sodo.