
If you haven’t checked out Netflix’s new show Stranger Things, seriously do it. It’s awesome. If you have, you know

I fucking loooooooove Rehab Addict.


I adore her!

M’s v Tigers at the Kingdome in ‘96. The M’s lost and I was stuck sitting behind a support column. Looking back, the Kingdom was pretty terrible.

Watching the 1996 NBA Finals and rooting for the Sonics.

Pete Carroll when asked for life advice: Pass

In the name of all this holy I love these cars! OEM spec or resto-modded...I don’t care.

The answer for classic roadster is always Datsun 1600.

I’d gladly take high-fives in my social circles. Because right now, everybody seems insistent on giving everybody else full-arm HUGS, even to people they have just met, when saying hello and goodbye. Trying to extricate myself from an after-work happy hour with friends always ends with me smelling like 6 different

Now playing

Good to see that nothing’s changed in 30 years...

I hate people who shoot slo-mo on iPhones but can’t manage to move the keyframes to only slow the relevant parts. That video should have been :07 with the slo-mo.

Through bonds, which were to be paid back to the city with interest using taxes generated directly from arena ticket sales and concessions.

Please, don’t even talk about the Mariners. Pretend they don’t exist. If they are the Warriors of baseball, continue to pretend they don’t exist. Their success is like a ghost you see out of the corner of your eye and when you look at it, it disappears. I beg of you, don’t look at it.
Mariners Fans