Megsy McGee

It is Dany Cotton, not Danny - Britain's highest ranking female firefighter

Janey Godley welcoming him on his last visit to Scotland.

If the person who can fire you begins a statement with “I hope you can” 99.9% of the population knows that really means “Do this or you’re fired” and we know this is what Trump meant BECAUSE THEN HE FIRED HIM FOR NOT DOING IT.

He does NOT look like most white dudes in a suit. He is fit, well groomed, and much taller. Also, he has all his hair.

You have the most compelling of points. I’m going to guess Alpine.

I don’t know if it truly is that we are “less visual,” so much as that most men seem to have let all their other senses atrophy. I guess what I am saying is...how does Comey smell? Alpine? Chypre?

It’s a June afternoon in Washington, DC. Of course he’s hot.

What’s old is new again.

God I hope this is an actual screenshot

This is all a plot by the Republicans to make it appear that Trump isn’t the most senile person in Washington DC.

He seemed like an old man who was interrupted mid nap. They need a minute or two to get it together.

I’m still no fan of Comey, but I was impressed by his restraint with McCain. I would’ve probably said something like “What are you even talking about right now?”

Meanwhile, McCain appears to be having a stroke. He’s conflating the Clinton e-mail investigation with the Trump Russia investigation as if they’re part of the same story. His line of questioning is totally non linear, like he’s not quite sure why he’s there.

I’m already drunk and it’s not even 9am. Who’s the seersucker now?

That assclown from Idaho raised my blood pressure with his desperate attempt to absolve Trump from obstruction of justice.

He used the L word right off the bat. This is amazing.

Oh no. He doesn’t keep them.

Vincente Fox Quesada wins the internet today.

When they fired her, did they give her a certificate titled “Most Likely to Fuck Up So Badly, It’ll Make National News” ?