Megsy McGee

I have relatives who are high school teachers, and have had this debate with them. They’ll say things about how high school girls are all dressing “slutty these days” (ugh), their cleavage is too much, etc etc, they just want attention. And I’m like listen, WHY do you care? Why do kids have to dress professionally?

Leslie Jordan is a dead ringer for Sessions looks-wise, but his affect is all Lindsay Graham which you’re absolutely right would probably make Sessions deeply uncomfortable.

As a performer, you would think he could have handled it with more grace.

I was so hoping this was about her hairdo.

Because her father didn’t want her to be humiliated. To feel shame, embarrassment that he had seen other women go through when they went to the police at that time...

I actually really, really like the name Blue Ivy. But otherwise agree.

Not to mention that apparently juries aren’t allowed to consider that as a reason rape victims might choose not to report.

“Because her father didn’t want her to be humiliated. To feel shame, embarrassment that he had seen other women go through when they went to the police at that time,”

I think that joke is pretty much a textbook Dad joke, which, at long last, George gets to make.

Perhaps my outrage meter is improperly calibrated. I thought the joke was that Amal is an amazing super hero and she handled the birth like a champ and George - not a strong amazing woman - is a basket case.

Nah. Stevie Wonder is a satguru and can see your aura.

This guy...

Can you post something at the park, a flyer, maybe not directly related to that dog, but that says,

I was super little but I told my mom I thought Linda Tripp was a bad friend and remember being really mad at her. I wasn’t old enough to understand all the details, but I knew Linda Tripp was messed up and betrayed a “friend” who was a vulnerable young woman.

Only one actor can successfully inhabit the role of Linda Tripp — no need for a long, drawn out search. Even if they cast someone else, this is the only person I will see on screen...

You know, I wish people would just leave Monica Lewinsky alone.

Boy, good thing so many idiots in this country trust corporations over unions and the government. They sure have our best interests in mind.

In other news, 10 waitlisted teens suddenly have their prayers answered.

The day the last person uses the word “memelord” is the day we all benefit. Fuck, but the 4Chanization of Facebook and other internet spaces is such a really annoying thing to deal with.

Now I don’t know much about Steve King but he appears to be a caricature of conservitism. Now I have read enough Stephen King to know that he is clearly being controlled by a far more cunning and insidious puppet master who I think is really Randall Flagg.