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    A lot of clients are totally decent people, honestly trying to practice self care in a non destructive way. Most clients are men, because we’ve never given women permission to fully engage and acquire sex to the same extent, (not to mention the money to buy it,) and taught them that orgasms are rare. I mean if we all



    Look up the intersection of sex work and labor rights. It’s a job, that many people need, and chose to suit their needs. Sex work is *work* - the people who engage in it *are regularly denied access to feminist debate about their own experience* - it’s pretty much the most anti woman thing we can do to tell a woman

    I don’t think there is a grey area at all. Ask any active sex worker on Twitter.

    No one would work any job if they didn’t need the money. All labor is done because there is need. Sex work is *work* - look up the intersection between sex work and labor rights. It’s pretty good stuff.

    Sex work is a spectrum. Plenty of people who engage in sex work chose their jobs and wish to keep them, and not be arrested for doing their job.