
There comes a point where basic “reasonable person” logic has to come into play:

I mean let’s call the kettle black streamers you guys get mega ad revenue from companies and yet you’ll still peddle for donations from fans who think they are helping support you when it really is just padding your bottom line.

Jeez. Defensive much?

Hell, The Last Jedi was one of the best things to happen to this series in decades and people are still arguing about how it was actually bad.

Who the fuck cares about video game crunch. Poor people with a job have to work all this time at home, meanwhile their are countless others struggling without one. We got Doctors and Nurses working far more hours 80+ in my personal case and it’s far more dangerous

Yea lets feel sorry for the Game developers safe at home with a job still and not for the Doctors and nurses who work 80 hour weeks during this crisis, and before it.

I am getting sick of people acting like video game crunch is the worst thing in the world when their are countless other jobs out there who crunch just

As someone who is one two generations off from subsistency farming in northern Norway I guess I should apologize for my white(ish) privilege. As should these kids:

Kotaku has failed to notice the problems with Epic and their store so completely at this point that it can only be deliberate.

At this point Kotaku has failed to recognize the actual problems with Epic so completely and frequently that it can’t possibly be an accident.

Yeah, this article stinks of bias. I get that haters are gonna hate, and that developers shouldn’t have to grovel for choosing how and where to sell their shit the way it makes the most sense to them financially.

By the way Josh, you should consider writing an article regarding the Epic store and the game Darq. I know I know lol that would go against the narrative and this isn’t going to get a response whatsoever. We have to make sure Epic and its developers are the victims, even when they are evil as fuck on this shit show.

Hey look at that. He managed to do it without screwing over the fans that were already paying and supporting the game and then pulling the rug from under them(ooblets), he didn’t resort to calling the people supporting his game a bunch of petty labels(ooblets), and then didn’t tell his fans who can’t even pay for

I’m guessing that the fucks came because the redditor assumed that the developer was generalizing complaining about unfair pricing strategies with being an “ass-hat”.

I agree that there is some great artwork in there, but again, there is no way I’m spending that much on a free game.

I think the idea is that no one want’s to see the game shift to whales, and people do not want the $200 price tag to become the norm for the vast majority of new content.

I think you are severely overestimating how much these WNBA players make.

I'm sending you thoughts and prayers, you sad little cum-filled tube sock.

Bullshit. This guy was never the leak - his anonymous sources are the leak.

Well, I don’t know the whole story but fishing around on Twitch isn’t illegal. Who cares about leakers? Doesn’t change whether or not you’d enjoy the game and honestly he was probably just free advertisement for BL3 up until they pissed off his fanbase.

Because no journalists ever profit from their investigations, right?