
I call dibs on the Holy Grail!

Curtis LeMay and Arthur Harris laughs in Strategic Command as everything East of the Elbe and West of the 1st Belorussian Front resembles the surface of the moon by 1947, leaving the Volkssturm as the proud defenders of the “Thousand Year Reich”

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I thought Westwood Studios already covered it.

If you communicate to a higher being, it’s called prayer.

Well... that happened.

Horizon Zero Dawn. It’s been 1000 years since the Faro Plague destroyed humanity. In this world, there was no timetravel, virus or shutdown code for the robots in time for humanity to survive. Everyone and thing died. But life was reborn in a colossal undertaking to terraform the planet and restore life. The world

halo wasn’t the first sci fi game bungie had made. That goes to Marathon.  

Fletcher-Class Destroyer or Go Home

And it helps give context for the Last Jedi as well, serving as a prequel of sorts.

You heard her, flyboys! ON THE FLIGHTDECK IN 10!

That’s a funny way to say Medal of Honor: Underground

“I swear to God this sacred oath that to the Leader of the German Empire and people, Adolf Hitler, supreme commander of the armed forces, I shall render unconditional obedience and that as a brave soldier I shall at all times be prepared to give my life for this oath.” ~Wehrmacht Oath, from 1934 onwards

Forget Italy, what about the Burmese-Malayan Campaign? Or Kokoda? Or the rest of Papua New Guinea as an ANZAC Digger?

Heck, try something like the Sino-Japanese War, one that might have even been bloodier than the Eastern Front!

Log Horizon also played with that idea. That series really took the “It’s basically real people in a game world, mechanics, politics and all” part seriously.

All I really think this game needs is automatic orders from gunners to retrieve ammo.

Buckshot, bullets, Blades, fire and shrapnel.

yeah, where I’m from, internet connection isn’t that great, so latency issues mean that I rely on single-player only games, or games where being offline and bots are an option. I really enjoy watching videos of others playing though.

‘Straya mate, pop a tinnie and light a ciggie!

Looks like we’re going up against Ya’ll Qaeda and Stop them from engaging in yeehawd

If anyone is complaining about “immersion” or “historical accuracy” in Battlefield One, I believe they’d be more complaining about the amount of SMGs, Automatic Rifles and semiautomatic prototypes than the racial makeup of frontline soldiers. At least the latter actually SEEN combat