
My list:

The Diplomatic Incident part of the impressions does leave me wondering:

Nintendo boutta hit with the C&D notice in 3...2...1...

*Puts Tricorn or Morion helmet on*

*picks up tricorn*

Battlefield 1 got that covered

Well... I guess if Scarlett cannot or does not want to play as her anymore for the Black Widow Solo Movie, they could just stick her in a recording booth, pay for her likeness and render her into scenes this way.

Welcome to the Rock.


Now can we have shields, please, Ubisoft?

It’s a good, Solid Film, and that’s all it needed to be. It can stand on its own, lead up to Endgame, and deepen the MCUniverse. It might not be something I watch again and again, but it’s good enough.

I am not against rape as a subject in games - As long as it is framed as a VERY Bad Fucking Thing, Done By Very Bad Fucking People, With No Fucking Justified Excuses To Do It.

The people who can pay his price.

That’s a funny way to spell Voat.

If I was in command of Far Cry 5, I’d give it the Far Cry 2 treatment. You want to have your Home-Grown Militia fantasy? You’ve got it.

Not bad for a bunch of Cockbites playing Blood Gulch in Combat Evolved. 

Never thought I’d pull out a Barry Goldwater quote, but anyways:

“You don’t need to be ‘straight’ to fight and die for your country. You just need to shoot straight”

Nintendo Legal Department: Bet. 

Can we please give some love for the original 2d animators, Disney? They are the ones who made it stylish, memorable and all with back-breaking repetitive work.

Lawyers inbound in 3...2...1...

RIght everybody, where are we dropping?