Utseende Jeovanko

In addition to the gross and awful abuse at the company, I’m also disgusted with the political underpinnings that have come to define a big chunk of their output in the past few years, especially in Far Cry and the Tom Clancy games. Those two series push forward some dangerous and disturbing ideologies without ever

While beating up that white supremicist in RDR2 is no doubt satisfying, I do think WDL made the right decision to not include prejudices in a game where you can recruit anyone. Not everyone thinks about social issues, and at worst, it lets players play out their worst fantasies (including me to be fair) and I really

Intriguing. It does sound like a game with original concepts and yes, I suppose not showing white privilege for example is a missed opportunity, but makes for a less unpleasant game, I suppose. Would be interesting, though. White man? Here’s access to lots and lots of places, sir- and remember to have a jolly day. Blac