
I am guessing that the Trump presidency will end in a similar vein to Al Capone going to prison for tax evasion - as much as it would be nice to impeach him for “being an all around terrible person”, it’s stuff like this that is more likely to do him in because it’s a clear violation of law, no ambiguity.

Do you remember in Harry Potter when Voldemort was being really super mean to the Malfoy’s and you were like, “sucks to be y’all. Prolly shouldn’t have hung out with wizard Nazis.”

Next jackass who tells me Hillary was a traitor because she might not have been perfect about her emails gets ripped a new one.

Every word of that article is straight up amazing. Donald Trump is trapped in a Being There remake of his own making.

Democrats need to understand that there is no good will to be gained from Republicans by trying to appear reasonable, hopefully this has made that crystal clear to them moving forward. Props to Kirsten Gillibrand, it appears she learned the correct lesson from the Iraq War authorization vote.

Its black history month so let me take this opportunity to talk about me and how unfair the press is and let me name check a few token well-known black folks, inner cities and scene.

I seriously doubt even Trump and his minions could find someone who would be worse for education than Betsy DeVos

Punching Nazis shouldn’t be illegal. It’s a goddamn American pastime, ffs.

Too bad someone didn’t give him a Third Reich in the kisser.

Spencer did nazi that coming....

Anthony Weiner not being dead in a ditch or renditioned to a black site in Yemen is proof that Hillary ain’t killed nobody.