
I’m about *this* close to declaring a moratorium on ironically outlandish future predictions of this nation as a 3rd world hellscape, because every time someone puts one out there, the current goons in charge seem to take it as a goal to be reached.

I occasionally amuse myself by imagining us thirty years in the future, and wonder how many dramatizations of these events will be made and what those will look like. What sort of prosthetics will actors use to play Donald Trump? Will actors line up for it the way a series have tried to be Nixon or Lincoln? Will

President Dotard accomplished absolutely NOTHING during his China visit. Pres Xi knee to play to his ego with spectacles, parades, and American hamburgers. Our “really smart businessman and master negotiator” was played like a midwestern rube at a Times Square 3-card monte game

If you have to say it’s not a pyramid scheme....it’s probably a pyramid scheme.

Just a dumb dude here, but am I missing something? Where is the future spouse in this equation? How about dealing with the asshole sister together? If the future spouse can’t stand up to family now, fuss which side he will choose down the road....

yup yup yup. It’s somewhere between elder care and mothering a toddler - when he starts crying because there’s only apple juice, not orange juice, you pop in and ask if he’d rather have it in a BLUE sippy cup or a RED one.

I’d assume he has a time limit that he’ll pay attention to things, and she pops in around that point.

IMO she’s his guardian trying to hide his clearly deteriorating mind. Dementia/Alzheimers/frontal lobe failure etc. Same reason she went to the G20 meeting and not Orange.  

Houston will never see a dime of Trump’s alleged million dollar donation.

Yeah, I’m all for scrutinizing the shit out of the media we consume, but far too many people are too quick to cry #FAKENEWS and move on without actually investigating or doing the most basic research.

This is exactly how I operate when having to babysit a toddler.

I’m reasonably sure that Donald doesn’t know anything without John Kelly’s help. Now if anyone can wrestle the goddamn phone out of Trump’s hands so he can’t tweet anymore THAT would be an accomplishment.

It’s like a new governess hired to manage a particularly unruly child, and using every trick in her bag to make him behave.

The letter is an acrostic which spells out “RESIST”

Thank You...

When we started swim lessons, my mom bought towels that had a different cereals featured on them. Whenever we left them in the car, because we were dumbasses, she would yell, “Who left the damn Wheaties towel in the car? Again!” Then we’d finger point.

I love this comment. It’s so whimsically depressing — very Dolorous Edd.

I can’t. I can’t make jokes about this, or find it funny, or think “oh jeez THIS guy” or any of that fucking bullshit. Because at the end of the motherfucking day, I am raising my daughter in a world that is REGRESSING instead of PROGRESSING in terms of women’s rights and that makes me fucking sick to my stomach. It

Who among us hasn’t met with a Russian lobbyist offering dirt on our father’s political opponent as a pretext to talk about sanctions, forgotten to talk about the dirt, and then lied about it for months?

It’s just gotten to the point that news like this just depresses me. It’s just another reminder of the kind of thing that’s supposed to obviously matter, but that obviously isn’t going to.